Thank you to the


supporters who are helping to change the lives of the 10 million people in the world who have no nationality


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Ilyas Khan (PK) has just signed the Open Letter

Samuel Adams (US) has just signed the Open Letter

Penguin Power (US) has just signed the Open Letter

María Cerdas (CR) has just signed the Open Letter

Wadih Deeb (LB) has just signed the Open Letter


Filippo Grandi

UN High Commissioner for Refugees

“I believe everyone has the right to say #IBelong”.

Leymah Gbowee

Liberia - Nobel Peace laureate

“Nationality gives every man, woman and child an equal chance in life.”

Peter Capaldi

United Kingdom - Actor, Director and UNHCR Supporter

“Statelessness is a grave injustice inflicted upon millions of innocent people. They deserve to say #IBelong.”

Italy joins top league of countries reducing statelessness

Italy has joined the group of countries that have acceded to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. Welcoming this announcement, UNHCR’s Representative in Southern Europe, Laurens Jolles,  called the accession “an important step forward by Italy in guaranteeing human rights and reducing statelessness. It is an example for countries that have yet to accede to the Convention.

The 1961 Convention provides concrete and detailed safeguards that states must implement to prevent and reduce statelessness.

Although statistics on the exact size of the stateless population in Italy are not available; it is estimated that the majority of stateless people living in Italy are of Roma descent, originating from former Yugoslavia. Many have not been recognised as Italian nationals despite living in the country for generations.

Valentino’s dream is to open a pizzeria, and he has completed several training courses to learn how to make bread and pizza. Until Valentino’s stateless application is processed he is not legally allowed to work and fulfill his dreams. ©UNHCR/F. Malavolta

Italy becomes the fourth country to accede to this Convention since last year´s launch of the #IBelong Campaign to End Statelessness by 2024, and the 65th  state overall. This brings the number of parties to this Convention in the European Union to 19 (out of 28 members).

Please sign our Open Letter to end statelessness so that everyone can say IBelong.

Sign the Open Letter