
Somali student proves it's never too late to learn in Malaysia
Nawa first stepped into a classroom at age 16, but caught up quickly. Now 20, she is getting ready for university and setting an example for other refugees.

At a Kenyan refugee camp, girls learn to beat the odds
Only one girl in 10 makes it to high school at Kakuma, but that's no deterrent for this South Sudanese student with high ambitions.

Young asylum-seekers spend summer break learning German
Seeking refuge from violence in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, they spent the summer months learning German, which may hold the key to a new life.

Boat tours highlight Amsterdam's refugee past
Tours on vessels once used to smuggle people across the Mediterranean spotlight city's long history of welcoming refugees and migrants.

With Syria refugee crisis, Lebanese health services improve
Hosting more than one million refugees in a country of four million has given Lebanon an opportunity to improve public healthcare services.

Heeding cries for help lands Hellenic Rescue Team 2016 Nansen Award
Swift action by Konstantinos Mitragas and his fellow volunteers saved 2,500 lives last year on the Aegean Sea.

Help to vulnerable on Lesvos wins Efi Latsoudi 2016 Nansen Award
Efi Latsoudi named as one of two winners of the 2016 Nansen Refugee Award for her tireless work helping refugees on the Greek island of Lesvos.

Gang threat drives growing displacement inside Honduras
In the decade to 2014, an estimated 174,000 Hondurans became displaced within their country by street gang violence and many continue to need protection.

Afghan mother and child land on their feet in Austria
After fleeing Afghanistan, Nooria and her daughter found sanctuary with a young family in southern Austria.