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Nigeria Situation

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Réfugiés nigerians
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  En Bref

MSF fears famine in northeast Nigeria; calls for UN food pipeline
27 Jul 2016
The United States will give $40 million in humanitarian assistance to countries bordering Lake Chad fighting Islamist militant group Boko Haram (Reuters)
19 Apr 2016
Chad: presidential elections set for 10 April. Three candidates have already announced intention to seek office, including former prime minister Coumakoye
24 Jan 2016
CERF: 31 mi. USD have been allocated to humanitarian partners in Nigeria and the Lake Chad Basin, responding to the displacements caused by Boko Haram
11 Jan 2016
UNHCR: the Regional Refugee Response Plan 2016 for Nigeria appeals for 200 million USD to meet the needs of affected populations
07 Dec 2015


Polio: Cases in Nigeria: What’s the Outlook?
Polio Global Eradication Initiatives, 25 Aug 2016
Monday, August 22, 2016 Cases in Nigeria: What’s the Outlook? Interview with Michel Zaffran, Director of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative What are the implications of finding polio in Nigeria 2 years after the last case? The implications are that we were right to be cautious about thi...
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Nigeria declares polio outbreak as a national public health emergency
WHO, 25 Aug 2016
Abuja, 18 August 2016 - The Honourable Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole has declared the recent polio outbreak as a national public health emergency following the report of two (2) wild polio virus (WPV) cases in Gwoza and Jere local government areas (LGAs) of Borno state last week after ...
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Failure to help farmers in northeast Nigeria could open door to radicalisation: U.N.
REUTERS, 10 Aug 2016
ROME (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Farmers in Nigeria's crisis-hit northeast urgently need help to start growing crops again, the U.N. food agency said on Tuesday, warning that a failure to get people back on their feet could open the door to radicalisation. An insurgency by Boko Haram militants...
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Mali : un casque bleu tué et quatre autres blessés par une mine près de Kidal
FRANCE 24, 08 Aug 2016
L'explosion d'une mine dans la région de Kidal, au Mali, a touché un véhicule de l'ONU et tué un casque bleu tchadien, dimanche. Quatre autres soldats ont été blessés. Un soldat de la Mission de l'ONU au Mali (Minusma) est décédé, dimanche 7 août, et quatre autres blessés, après l'ex...
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Boko Haram blamed for humanitarian crisis in Nigerian state
CNN, 26 Jul 2016
(CNN) —A frail woman hesitates for a moment before handing over her sick child to a nurse. "This child cannot stand," says another medic as the severely malnourished boy is carried to the intensive care unit at the Gwange therapeutic feeding center on the outskirts of Maiduguri, the capital of...
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