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As well as its permanent exhibition, The Olympic Museum offers temporary exhibitions and a varied cultural programme throughout the year. Special programmes are created for each edition of the Games.

Exhibitions and special programmes:

10 February - 25 September 2016

Destination Rio: The Games

Destination Rio: Rythms and Diversity

Destination Rio - The 100% Brazilian and free programme at the Olympic Museum

Destination Rio - Press Kit

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The Museum is not about collections! It’s about an idea: Olympism.

Indeed, TOM’s vocation is to let people discover the Olympic Movement, witnessing its essential contribution to society, and to transmit the Olympic values beyond the celebration of the Games and competitions.

Sport is, of course, the main element of a visit to The Olympic Museum. However, history, culture, design, technology and sociology are also some of the themes addressed within this new museography, which reflects the richness and diversity of Olympism.

TOM’s primary objective is to let people discover the Olympic Movement through the stories of the athletes, as well as the creators, builders, artists and volunteers involved in the Movement. More indirectly, The Museum highlights the ideals and values of sport and the sense of history. The Museum offers an international multimedia platform and an essential cultural voice to serve the Olympic idea.

Alongside the temporary exhibitions, The Olympic Museum offers a diverse programme, punctuated by events, concerts and conference cycles, in the Galerie and the Art Lounge. Throughout the year, TOM visitors, locals, tourists, schoolchildren, young and old from everywhere come together to experience the adventure of the Games through these events.

After 23 months of work, The Olympic Museum, or TOM (The Olympic Museum) was reborn, with twice the surface area!

It now hosts nearly 300,000 visitors each year. Some 3,000m2 of exhibition space, 1,500 objects, 150 audiovisual devices, 50 interactive screens, 7 hours of sound and video celebrate humanity in movement. Its scenography is an invitation to dive into the history of the Games, the dreams, the culture, the design, the challenges and the values of Olympism.

Thus modernised and endowed with state-of-the-art technological innovations - an excellence recognized in 2014 by the International Audiovisual Festival on Museums and Heritage (FIAMP), TOM now belongs among the museums of the 21st century.

Press Kit


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