
A unique view of all the ways WFP is assisting millions of people worldwide.

29 March 2017

WFP School Meals Project: Through the Eyes of a Teacher

This Women’s Month, the World Food Programme (WFP) highlights the important role that educators play in the success of the School Meals project. Elementary school teachers Giselle and Wilma have both seen and contributed to the positive effects of the project.

School Meals
9 March 2017

School Meals Remain Indispensable in Kenya

The World Food Programme and the Government of Kenya continue to provide schools meals across the arid and semi-arid areas and in the poor informal settlements of Nairobi. The national home-grown school meals programme in Kenya is now reaching more than one million school-going children in Kenya, while WFP complements efforts in hard-to-reach areas, feeding an additional half a million.

Focus on Women
8 March 2017

Empowering Women Refugees in Uganda

WFP supports 1.1 million refugees in Uganda with life-saving food assistance, three times more than this time last year. In 2016, Uganda received the single largest refugee influx from South Sudan in its history with over 489,000 new arrivals. Eighty-six percent of the new refugees are women and children. On International Women’s Day, Noreen – a South Sudanese refugee tells WFP why she stands up for the rights of her community on food.

8 March 2017

Challenging Gender Stereotypes – Driving Change in Myanmar

When WFP in Myanmar informed Ms Khin La Pyae Won Myint Aung that she was selected for the position of driver in the WFP Country Office in Yangon, it was a dream come true. She has always had a passion for cars so was thrilled to have the opportunity to make a living by driving. The sense of accomplishment of getting a new job was enhanced by the feeling that, in doing a job typically dominated by men in Myanmar, she was also striking a blow for gender equality. 

8 March 2017

Working For Change by Changing Work: Nepal's First Female Forklift Operator

The logistics industry is generally seen as a man’s world. Typically, it is men that manage, receive, supply and transport goods. It is rare to find women involved in logistics work, particularly in traditionally patriarchal countries like Nepal where women’s work is often confined to household chores. WFP Nepal’s Logistics Unit proves an exception to the rule. The office actively hires women to be part  of the team and provides them with skills and trainings to build their logistics capacity.  

Cash and Vouchers
7 March 2017

How Farmers in Kenya Are Beating The Effects of Drought

As the effects of drought continue stifling crop and livestock production across Kenya, some farmers in the worse affected areas have managed to beat this scourge. Having adopted small-scale dryland farming technologies, these farmers are able to continue feeding their families with produce from their farms. 

23 February 2017

Somalia: Bossaso Goes Green

This week, WFP will present new Environmental and Climate Change policies for Executive Board approval, and will also showcase a selection of its achievements that embody our vision for a WFP where environmental considerations – including the impact of climate change on food security – are mainstreamed throughout our programming and operations worldwide.

Food For Assets
15 February 2017

Herders In Kenya Expand Livelihoods To Cope With Drought

WFP is helping 650,000 food-insecure people living in the arid and semi-arid lands build resilience to drought. Together with partners, WFP is helping these families to build rural productive assets while transferring new production skills and approaches in order to enhance and diversify livelihoods. These activities are helping many better cope with the severe drought that is currently affecting Kenya.

Food For Assets
10 February 2017

In South Sudan, FAO and WFP help Bahr el-Gazal farmers increase their resilience

A joint programme by the World Food Programme (WFP), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and their partners is supporting vulnerable community members receive financial compensation in exchange for work to construct infrastructure such as wells, and broaden their skills in community gardening to improve their livelihoods.

2 February 2017

As Drought Intensifies, WFP Provides Life-Saving Support To Mothers & Children In Somalia

WFP is assisting young mothers and children with nutrition programmes in over 930 Mother and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) centres across Somalia. In many centres, WFP works together with UNICEF, who treat severe acute malnutrition, while WFP addresses moderate acute malnutrition. With the United Nations warning of a risk of famine, these centres and others like it is just one of the critical ways that the international community can urgently and effectively address the impacts of the severe drought on the health of women and small children.


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