Hassan’s Story, USA


Hassan left his home in Somalia in 2008.  He left a country that has been torn apart by civil war and famine for over 20 years.  In that time hundreds of thousands of Somali refugees have fled violence, persecution, and starvation.  They crossed deserts and borders to find themselves living, getting married, having children, and going to school in refugee camps throughout the Horn of Africa.  While life doesn’t stop in a refugee camp, many refugees hold on to the hope that they are waiting for something better.

Having left Somalia only 6 years ago, Hassan now finds himself in a new country, the United States.  He is part of the thousands of refugees that arrive in the United States each year as part of the federally funded United States Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP).



A story from the Church World Service Blog: http://www.cwsglobal.org/blog/

1 family torn apart by war is too many

Learn more about our work with refugees at UNHCR.org