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Number of results: 143

  • Minusca strongly condemns the acts of violence perpetrated by ex- Seleka to Dekoa
    highlight 06 Sep 2016 (14 days ago)
    Central African Republic
  • La MINUSCA condamne fermement les actes de violence perpétrées par les ex-séléka à Dékoa
    highlight 06 Sep 2016 (14 days ago)
    Central African Republic
  • WHO heightens health response to cholera outbreak in CAR, 10 August 2016
    highlight 10 Aug 2016 (1 month ago)
    Central African Republic / Central African Republic - Refugees
  • UN: Ban appoints deputy UN envoy in Central African Republic
    highlight 26 Jul 2016 (1 month ago)
    Central African Republic / Central African Republic - Refugees
  • UN: Ban appoints deputy UN envoy in Central African Republic
    highlight 26 Jul 2016 (1 month ago)
    Central African Republic / Central African Republic - Refugees
  • Un soldat de la MINUSCA tué en République centrafricaine par des individus armés non-identifiés. Généralement, les tensions regagnent de l'intensité en RCA
    highlight 23 Jun 2016 (2 months ago)
    Central African Republic / Central African Republic - Refugees
  • A UN peacekeeper of the MINUSCA force in the Central African Republic killed by non-identified armed individuals. Tensions are generally increasing again in CAR
    highlight 23 Jun 2016 (2 months ago)
    Central African Republic / Central African Republic - Refugees
  • CAR: Deadly clashes in the North opposing groups of Fula cattler farmers and armed men originating from the ex-Seleka rebellion; 16 fatalities (Le Monde Afrique
    highlight 21 Jun 2016 (2 months ago)
    Central African Republic / Central African Republic - Refugees
  • RCA: affrontements meurtriers dans le Nord opposant des groupes d’éleveurs peuls à des hommes armés issus de l’ex-rébellion Séléka; 16 morts (Le Monde Afrique)
    highlight 21 Jun 2016 (2 months ago)
    Central African Republic / Central African Republic - Refugees
  • Lord's Resistance Army rebels killed six and abducted 252 civilans in Central African Republic during the first three months of this year (Reuters)
    highlight 15 Jun 2016 (3 months ago)
    Central African Republic / Central African Republic - Refugees