Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean

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It is essential that Greece receives massive support from the European Union for adequate reception, registration and screening processes. (UNHCR) 16/10/2015
UNHCR has deployed 120 emergency staff to Greece to support the government in its effort to address the continuing crisis. (UNHCR) 12/10/2015
Accessible legal avenues are needed for refugees to reach safety without putting themselves and their families at risk. (UNHCR) 09/10/2015
First group of asylum seekers relocated from Italy to Sweden. (UNHCR) 09/10/2015
Due anni fa 368 persone morirono nel tragico naufragio alle porte di Lampedusa. Fino ad oggi nel 2015 sono già quasi 3.000 le vittime del Mediterraneo. (UNHCR) 03/10/2015
The rate of arrivals underlines the need for robust facilities to receive, assist, register and screen all people arriving by sea. (UNHCR) 02/10/2015
“Che nazionalità avrà se è nato su una barca?,” chiede un compagno. “Mediterraneo,” risponde un altro. La storia di Hussam, nato dal mare. ( 29/09/2015
Loss of hope and deepening poverty driving Syrians to seek refuge in Europe. (UNHCR) 25/09/2015
The management of borders needs to be consistent with national, EU and international law, including guaranteeing the right to seek asylum. (UNHCR) 24/09/2015
Although challenging, this refugee emergency is manageable, provided that Europe is united in contributing to an effective response (UNHCR) 18/09/2015

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