
War has forced millions of families to flee their homes

This is the most urgent story of our time

Story of Julio Parada. From Chile to Sweden

I was in prison in August of 1975, when a group of us, 24 comrades, found out that our sentences had been changed…

As soon as I got the letter, I opened it, read it and I just couldn’t control my emotions at the time.

“For me to able to get into the program was an objective that I had to achieve to help my family for a better life.” Arash, refugee from Afghanistan, tells his story and how he met Jessie… a video by the World University Service of Canada

Charlemagne’s Story, Central African Republic

Charlemagne, 40, is staying with his family at a displacement site, waiting impatiently to return to his job as an instructor of the visually impaired and re-start his life.

Thanassis’ Story, Greece

Actor Thanassis Papageorgiou had to grow up to understand the “sacredness” of an old photo showing his parents with his two sisters in front of a big ship…

 I held that tiny finger all the way to the clinic while saying a silent prayer that she would be alright

The story of Baby Tumaini (means HOPE in Swahili) from the journal of a volunteer nurse at the Think Humanity clinic near Kyangwali refugee camp in Western Uganda. This is the story of a baby girl whose life was saved from Malaria.

Eric Jankstrom meets Lopez Lomong

Film producer Eric Jankowsky met Olympic athlete Lopez Lomong, and is impressed by his incredible strength, resilience and true love for life.

Salma’s Story, Greece

“I was just 11 when they came to arrest my brother for demonstrating against the regime. I still can’t forget how he was screaming to stop the beating of our father…”

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Guliver’s Story, Georgia

Although Guliver has been displaced for so many years, he longs to build a house for his family and be able to call it home.

Anthony’s Story, Uganda

Anthony encourages other refugees that it is possible to achieve their dreams and live a prosperous life even though they are refugees.

Jeanine Nyagufi’s Story, Burundi

Jeanine has finally returned to her homeland after 20 years and her only hope is that her children will finally be able to attend school.

Aobangeze Bwangu’s Story, Democratic Republic of Congo

Aobangeze has faith that one day everything will be fine and he will be able to live in peace with his family.

Hodan’s Story, Ethiopia

Despite losing her sight, Hodan is a confident woman with a strong determination to bring justice to the people who like her have been so badly affected by the war…

A Displaced Child’s Story, Colombia

Currently there are 5.3 million internally displaced persons in Colombia, it is one of the largest global humanitarian crises.

Oumaru’s Story, Uganda

Oumaru journeyed through dangerous territories for nearly 3,000 miles to finally find some peace, safety and prosperity in Uganda.

Mubarak’s Story, Sudan

“I am convinced I will expand my business and make it bigger and better, so it is fully equipped with various mobile phones. This is just the beginning!”

Hanna and Yauhen’s Story, Czech Republic

This young couple participated in demonstrations against Belarus president Alexander Lukashenko. Soon after they didn’t fell safe anymore.

Zyrafet Miftari’s Story, Kosovo

Zyrafet Miftari returned to Kosovo because she longed for her home, she believes her future will be brighter there.

Moses’s Story, Ethiopia

Moses hopes that his children will have access to education and health services now that they are in Ethiopia and they will experience a better life without war…

Dellina’s Story, Kenya

Dellina was forced to flee Eritrea. She says that she has never felt as humiliated as she feels now, because of the way she has been treated…

Abdirahman’s Story, Ethiopia

Abdirahman was born physically disabled, but this has never stopped him from trying to fulfill his dreams of one day becoming an inspiring minister.

Bahati’s ‘Ronaldo Deckey’ Story, Uganda

“I am still looking for a place where I will totally feel safe and it will help to forget.”

Najaf’s Story, Indonesia

“My daughter and son-in-law were in Australia. From Indonesia, they had sailed for 15 days…”

Georgina’s Story, Colombia

78-year-old Georgina was only six years old when she witnessed her brother’s death…

Mary’s Story, Thailand

“Here, I have a sound sleep. I can sleep … I can close both of my eyelids without worries.”

Bang’s Story, Ethiopia

Bang, aged 30, has three wishes: he hopes to find his family so he can return with them to Sudan and then continue his education.

Zawadi Masanga’s Story, Tanzania

Zawadi Masanga hopes that her brother will read this story so they can be reunited again.

Themis: The Rwandan Refugee

“It was like hell, blood everywhere”. A personal account of the Rwandan genocide.

Those days were very tough yet were blessings too. Among all the privileges, the education opportunity was the best gift ever.

There was severe poverty, very casual medical support, extreme lack of sanitation, and lack of food which caused a lot of pain and suffering for many. Despite all of this, the place where I grew up and spent my entire childhood I will always treasure and cherish those memories in my heart.

Bijou’s Story, Democratic Republic of Congo

Bijou remains hopeful: she would like to start her own business, which will enable her to support and provide for her family and keep them safe.

1 family torn apart by war is too many

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