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Lillehammer 1994, Haakon and Kristin IOC

Haakon and Kristin


The mascots' names refer to historical figures from the 13th century whose destiny is closely linked to Norway and the Lillehammer region: Håkon IV Håkonson, King of Norway from 1217 to 1263, and Princess Kristin, his aunt.


The first mascots in human form, Haakon and Kristin are two happy children. Although they wear medieval clothes in reference to their historical roots, they are modern children and express the interests and visions of young people, such as environmental awareness.


Kari and Werner Grossman, based on an idea by Javier Ramirez Campuzano

Did you know?

Eight pairs of Norwegian children each representing a region in the country were selected from about 10,000 candidates aged 10 to 11 to play the role of the “living mascots”.

Two skating rinks located side by side and bearing the names of the mascots hosted the Olympic and Paralympic events in 1994: the Hakons Hall and the Kristins Hall.

The historical figures who inspired the mascots lived during a troubled period in Norway where two clans, the Birkebeiner and the Baglers, fought for power. Although he was only a small child, Håkon Håkonson, threatened by the Baglers, had to flee Lillehammer through the mountains with his supporters. Birkebeiner princess Kristin Sverrisdóttir married the head of the Baglers, Filippus Símonsson, to bring peace to the two camps.

Find out more about the Lillehammer 1994 Olympic Games on

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