Compendium on Good and Innovative Practices in the Regional Response to the Syria and Iraq Crisis: Volume II launched by UNHCR-UNDP Joint Secretariat

[10 January 2018] – [Amman, Jordan]- The Compendium on Good and Innovative Practices documents how the Syria crisis is transforming the way the international community works together: innovating in crisis, collaborating, and adapting our approaches in response to the changing needs and shifting dynamics in the region.  It provides a snapshot of good and innovative practices in responding to protracted crises at the nexus where development and humanitarian activities often meet.

With 52 in-depth case studies from across the sub-region (Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt and Iraq), the compendium highlights innovations and adaptations that inform current and future programme and policy design. .  This second volume has taken a particular focus on cost-effective solutions, meeting needs through collaborative design, and fostering local action.  It is a tool that innovators, change makers, and practitioners can use to advance good and innovative practice in response to prolonged crisis.

The Compendium is guided by a set of good practice and innovation principles that have been developed over four years of research and collaboration with 75 UN agencies, international NGOs, businesses, and locally-led organisations. Good practice principles include: cost-effectiveness and efficiency, dynamic partnerships, sustainable benefits, Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA), and flexibility. They are applied across nine thematic areas, including accessing business markets and strengthening economies, supporting sustainable livelihoods, meeting the needs of youth, and locally-led responses.

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