Vodafone Foundation


Vodafone Foundation has partnered with our Learn Lab and UNHCR’s Education Unit since 2013 to expand refugees’ access to connectivity—a key ingredient in augmenting education, increasing self-reliance and sharing vital information.

With the Vodafone Foundation’s Instant Network School Programme, displaced populations in Kenya can connect with family and friends during emergencies, and schools are able to enhance learning by connecting with digital resources and the world outside the camp.

Through this collaboration, Instant Network classrooms have been established in nine schools and four vocational training centers in the Dadaab Refugee Camp, equipping each with Internet connectivity a classroom set of tablets and a broader teacher training program.

Vodafone Foundation’s partnership not only provided the financial resources to establish the program, but also gave direct support to the community and staff on the ground through the Vodafone Volunteers Program. This unique contribution strengthened capacity and assisted with implementation of the program, which has enjoyed greater success thanks to the human-centered approach to this innovative work.


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