Syria Regional Refugee Response
Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal
Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal


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WHO Iraq x

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard July 2016
25 August 2016

IRQ 3RP Interagency interventions July 2016 all sectors Dashboards
25 August 2016

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard June 2016
8 August 2016

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard May 2016
27 June 2016

Presentation of the Study “Displacement as Challenge and Opportunity: Urban Profile of refugee, internally displaced persons and host community Erbil Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq”
14 June 2016

IRQ 3RP Interagency interventions March 2016 all sectors Dashboards
25 April 2016

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard February 2016
19 April 2016

IRQ 3RP Interagency interventions February 2016 all sectors Dashboards
19 April 2016

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard January 2016
17 March 2016

Information Kit 14 3RP 4th Quarterly Report 31 December 2015 Inter-Agency Interventions for Syrian Refugees - Iraq
16 March 2016

Iraq 3RP summary 2016 - Regional Refugee & Resilience Plan
3 March 2016

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard December 2015
24 February 2016

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard November 2015
23 December 2015

Information Kit 13 3RP, 3rd Quarterly Report 30 September 2015 Inter-Agency Interventions for Syrian Refugees-Iraq
2 November 2015

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard September 2015
26 October 2015

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard August 2015
21 September 2015

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard July 2015
19 August 2015

Iraq 3RP Health Dashboard June 2015
28 July 2015


Iraq 27
Anbar 2
Baghdad 1
Duhok 4
Erbil 3
Refugees Dispersed in Iraq 1
Sulaymaniyah 2
Domiz 1 Camp 1
Duhok Non-Camp 1
Document Categories
3RP Documents 2
Assessments 2
Dashboard & Factsheet 23
Reports 2
Camp Management 2
Cash Assistance 1
Core Relief Items (CRIs) 4
Education 4
Food Security 4
Health 22
Information Management 7
Livelihood 3
Protection 4
Shelter 4
Water & Sanitation 4
World Health Organization - IRAQ (WHO Iraq) 29
Working Groups
Basic Assistance Working Group - Lebanon 1
Education Working Group Iraq 2
Food WG Iraq 1
Health Working Group Iraq 11
Livelihoods 2
Protection Working Group Iraq 2
Shelter and NFI WG Iraq 2
WASH Working Group Iraq 2
English 29