
Encounters with the police

The police may stop and search anyone when they have grounds for suspicion. If you are stopped by the police, there are a number of things you can do to prevent the situation becoming worse:
- Stay calm and do not run;
- Do not argue with the officers or touch them. Do not make threats or use offensive language;
- It is not a crime not to carry documents, but to refuse to identify yourself is a criminal offence. If you are not carrying your documents, give the officer information to help identify you;
- If a member of the police force fails to respect your rights, try to remember to note their name, identification or physical appearance, the registration number of their vehicle and the names of any witnesses.

You have been arrested, what to do now?
An arrest can only be made on the order of a judge or if caught in the act. Say nothing. Only provide your identification and inform your family, friends and, where available, a legal assistance office. No one may be handcuffed if they are NOT being violent or intending to escape from the police.

Useful Contacts

Defensoria Pública da União (Federal Public Defender’s Office)
Anyone whose monthly household income is less than three minimum salaries (about R$ 2.300) is entitled to free legal assistance. It is the Defensor Público that is responsible for providing such assistance. For information on the Defensoria Pública for each State, go to: http://www.stf.jus.br

Disque Denúncia
Hotline for reporting crimes and assaults. The service is anonymous and is free and available 24 hours per day.
Telephone: 181

Polícia Militar (Military Police)
This is a public security force whose mission is to carry out public policing and keep public order.
Telephone: 190

Corpo de Bombeiro (Fire Service)
Telephone: 193

Disque-Ouvidoria da Polícia Civil (Civil Police Ombudsman's hotline):
This is a service available to you in case of abuse of authority or other infringement of your civil rights. The service is anonymous and is free and available 24 hours per day.
In São Paulo: 0800-177070
Rua Japurá, 42 - Centro, São Paulo – Telephone: (11) 3291-6006.


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