Massive loss of life reported in latest Mediterranean tragedy

UNHCR interviewed shipwreck survivors who reported sinking of a large boat that went down with up to 500 people on board between Libya and Italy.

20 Apr 2016

Displaced by war, Syrian tailor starts over in a rented van

A UNHCR-backed programme gives small business grants to people displaced by war within Syria to help them restart their lives.

20 Apr 2016

UNHCR delivers vital Ecuador quake relief to worst-hit areas

Two field teams have distributed tents and plastic sheeting in the Andean nation's devastated Esmeraldas province as a major UNHCR airlift gets underway.

20 Apr 2016

Work permit boost gives hope to Syrian refugees in Jordan

Three-month window for employers to obtain free work permits for Syrians could benefit tens of thousands of refugees

19 Apr 2016

South Sudan refugee outflow grows as relief funds lag

New fighting and food insecurity in the world's youngest nation are driving more displacement at a time when refugee relief operations are only 11 per cent funded.

19 Apr 2016

UNHCR emergency airlift to aid Ecuador quake relief

Airlift to take tents, sleeping mats and other items for distribution among some 40,000 displaced people in worst-hit communities.

18 Apr 2016

UNHCR chief lauds Pope's solidarity with refugees

Filippo Grandi hails "powerful demonstration of solidarity" as Pope Francis returns to Rome from Greece with three Syrian refugee families.

16 Apr 2016

UNHCR begins relocating Mozambican asylum-seekers in Malawi

A first group of 81 Mozambican asylum-seekers have been relocated in southern Malawi in a UNHCR-run relocation operation aimed at improving living conditions.

15 Apr 2016

Nigerian boys tell of Boko Haram abduction

Children in northeast Nigeria continue to pay a heavy price for violence committed by the militant group.

14 Apr 2016