
You blocked @RedHourBen

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  1. 4h

    I want YOU to join me for a game of dodgeball to help fund educational initiatives for children. ENTER:

    Join me for a game of dodgeball this fall!
    I want YOU to join me for a game of dodgeball to help fund educational initiatives for children. ENTER:
  2. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    Impact Your World: here's how to help victims of Hurricane Harvey

  3. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    Thinking of the people of Houston & whole region enduring unprecedented flooding. So grateful to first responders working to rescue so many.

  4. Retweeted
    Aug 27

    Sending good thoughts Houston's way. One of the most generous, unpretentious and delicious cities I've ever visited.

  5. Retweeted
    Aug 24

    Respect for Fray Tomás González +his team : they shine a light in the darkness for thousands of migrants+refugees.

  6. Retweeted
    Aug 25

    Presidential pardons should not be rewards for bad behavior and discrimination. Granting a pardon to Joe Arpaio is shameful and appalling.

  7. Retweeted
    Aug 24

    Can you imagine a world 🌍 more open to refugees? Here's how it can happen:

    Imagine a world more open to refuguees
  8. Aug 25
  9. Retweeted
    Aug 25

    Converge. Power through Peace. Strength through Love. This is where we're heading. It will require millions.

  10. Retweeted
    Aug 25

    Friday night google searches: "How old is Steve Mnuchin's wife?" "Warts" and "Are you really ever alone?"

  11. Aug 24
  12. Aug 24

    Really proud to be a part of this movie Mike White made. Hope lots of people get a chance to see it. As a dad I really related to it.

  13. Retweeted

    To the brave transgender men and women in uniform, your service & sacrifice will never be discounted or discredited.

  14. Aug 24

    Really having a great time here in the , and . Thanks to everyone who have been so welcoming 🙏🤙🖖

  15. Retweeted
    Aug 22

    This Spanish swimmer sacrificed his race as a way to pay tribute to the Barcelona attack victims

  16. Retweeted
    Aug 21

    daw ellipse. dint hbe glosses but dn think maters. ws predy.

  17. Retweeted
    Aug 21
    Replying to

    -Natasha, Pierre & The Great Eclipse of 2017. All Rights Reserved.

  18. Retweeted
    Aug 21
    Replying to

    It seems to me That this eclipse Feels me Feels my softened and uplifted soul And my newly melted heart Now blossoming Into a new life

  19. Aug 21
  20. Retweeted
    Aug 20

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