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CIO / C. Leutenegger
21 Jun 2016
Olympic Studies Centre

2016/2017 Advanced Olympic Research Grants awarded

In the framework of the third edition of the  Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme, The IOC Olympic Studies Centre (OSC) has selected six research projects, underlining their academic quality and significance with respect to the IOC priority fields of research.
The 2016/2017 Advanced Olympic Research Grant winners
The six selected projects are:
  1. The value of global cultural policy-making: Building bridges between Olympic cities and the Olympic Movement through transnational cultural narratives
    Grant holder: Beatriz GARCIA (University of Liverpool – UK)
  2. Active cities as catalysts for well-being in Africa: The case of Nairobi, Accra and Johannesburg
    Grant holder: Vincent ONYWERA (Kenyatta University)
  3. Examining positive outcomes of unsuccessful Olympic Bids
    Research team: Paul SALISBURY (Leeds Trinity University – UK), Becca LEOPKEY (University of Georgia -  USA) and Cem TINAZ (Istanbul Bilgi University – Turkey)
  4. Coach, Athlete, and Relational Influences on Development Athletes’ Attitudes, Intentions, and Willingness to Dope
    Research team: Paul FREEMAN (University of Essex – UK) and Tim REES (Bournemouth University -  UK)
  5. Impact of the Olympic Games on the recomposition of mature societies: the case of Tokyo seen through international comparisons
    Research team: Manuel APPERT (Université Lumière Lyon 2 – France) and Raphaël LANGUILLOPN (University of Chuo - Japan)
  6. Understanding and redefining the role of men in achieving gender equity in sport leadership
    Research team: Popi SOTIRIADOU (Griffith University – Australia), Annelies KNOPPERS (Utrecht University – The Netherlands) and Donna DE HAAN (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences -  The Netherlands)

The selected researchers will receive a financial grant, which will allow them to carry out their research project, benefit from exchanges with the IOC administration and, if relevant, consult the OSC’s resources in Lausanne (Switzerland) (including the IOC’s archives and library collections). The results of their research must be submitted to the OSC in June 2017. 

74 researchers from 18 countries and 5 continents applied

For this third edition, 34 individual and collective applications were submitted from 18 countries, covering almost all the priority research themes proposed by the IOC.

Background of the programme

The main objective of the Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme is to promote advanced research by established researchers with a humanities or social sciences perspective in priority fields of research, which are identified annually by the IOC. University professors, lecturers and research fellows who have completed their doctorate and who currently hold an academic/research appointment covering the period of the grant are eligible to apply. For more information on the priority fields of research and the rules and guidelines in general, click here

What is the selection process?

In order to perform a thorough analysis of all the projects, and taking into account both the academic quality and the importance of the proposed research in at least one of the priority fields of research, the files were evaluated by university peers and experts from the IOC departments. Following these evaluations, the OSC Research Grant Selection Committee, which is composed of academic experts, recommended a list of projects to the OSC. It was on these final recommendations that the OSC, in cooperation with the IOC departments, validated the six files, which were then awarded grants. The full description of the evaluation and selection process for this programme can be found here.

When is the next edition?

The 2017/2018 edition of the Advanced Olympic Research Grant Programme will be launched in October 2016. The relevant documents will be available on our website

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