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Sochi ready to host 10th World Conference on Sport and the Environment

There is still time to register for the 10th edition of the World Conference on Sport and the Environment, which will take place in Sochi, Russia, ahead of the Olympic Winter Games, from 30 October to 1 November 2013. Learn more about the topics, keynote speakers and the registration process below and on the official Conference website.

Key topics
Under the Conference theme “Changing Today for a Better Tomorrow”, some of the key topics to be discussed are: A Collective Vision for Sustainable Development, the new Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), Russian Legacies pre- & post-Sochi 2014, the sustainable development landscape following Rio+20, and showcasing legacies of the Olympic Games and Olympic bids for sustainable development, as well as highlighting the UN system.

The biennial Conference is one of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)’s key advocacy initiatives in the field of the environment, and gathers representatives from the Olympic family, governments, the UN system, academic institutions and NGOs.

Pioneers on stage in Sochi
Keynote speakers at the 10th World Conference on Sport and the Environment include the first woman from Saudi Arabia to scale Mount Everest, Raha Moharrak (MKD); explorer, environmentalist and educator Jean-Michel Cousteau (FRA); and pioneer swimmer Lewis Pugh, who is the first to have swum in every ocean of the world and is also UNEP Patron of the Ocean, to mention but a few.

Media who have not yet registered for the event can still request accreditation by registering here.

The winners of the 3rd IOC Sport and Environment Awards - which recognise and celebrate outstanding grassroots initiatives in the field of sustainable sport and environment - will be announced during the event and will present their best practice in a dedicated plenary session.

Learn more about this year’s Sport and Environment Awards here

To learn more about the event, visit

Background information:
The event is organised in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Russian government, the Russian Olympic Committee and the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014. This edition follows one year after the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), often abbreviated to Rio+20, which was a key moment in the global sustainability agenda. Indeed, Rio+20 saw a renewal of the sporting community’s long-term and political commitment to sustainable development.

Learn more about the IOC’s initiatives to promote sustainability through sport

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