Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean

Regional Overview

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Syrian refugees revive Italian village of Camini
Al Jazeera, 30/08/2016
Hollowed out by emigration and lack of opportunities,Camini undergoes revival thanks to an influx of refugees....
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How media framed Mediterranean tragedies: an analysis
UNHCR/Carta di Roma, 30/08/2016
How media framed Mediterranean tragedies: an analysis...
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UNHCR welcomes announcement of Independent Paralympic Team comprising two refugees
UNHCR , 26/08/2016
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, warmly welcomes today’s announcement by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) of two refugees who will compete as a team in the upcoming 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. The participation of a first-ever refugee team in the Paralympic Games is an example of what can be accomplished when refugees with disabilities are given the opportunity to pursue their dreams and apply their skills. While all forcibly displaced people face challenges, those with disabilities are often at heightened risk because they are less likely to be involved in decisions that concern them, face numerous barriers to accessing assistance, and thus risk having their key protection needs go unmet. As such, promoting their active inclusion and full participation in society – including through sports – is key to their protection and well-being. “The Independent Par...
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End of large scale pre-registration on mainland Greece
UNHCR / Greek Asylum Service / EASO, 01/08/2016
Athens, 1 August 2016 The Asylum Service announces that the operation to pre-register applications for international protection on mainland Greece, through the dedicated registration centres that were temporarily set up, has now come to an end. Those who have not been able to pre-register yet and wish to apply for asylum can do so, preferably by obtaining a registration appointment through Skype. Given that the vast majority of those who wish to pre-register have done so by now, access to the Skype system should function more efficiently. Those who have been already pre-registered will receive soon a text message (SMS) with the date and location for their next appointment at the Asylum Service to lodge their asylum claim, including for family reunification or relocation. The pre-registration exercise, supported financially by the European Commission, was launched on 8 June 20...
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Relocation: il programma per la redistribuzione di richiedenti asilo stenta a decollare
UNHCR, Carta di Roma, 29/07/2016
Il programma, divenuto operativo nel settembre 2015, procede con lentezza. I posti a disposizione per i ricollocamenti dall’Italia sono solo il 7% del totale richiesto In base agli impegni assunti dall’Unione Europea nell’estate 2015, 160mila persone dovranno essere ricollocate da Italia, Grecia e Ungheria verso altri Stati europei entro settembre 2017. Dato l‘obiettivo della Commissione Europea di realizzare circa 6000 ricollocazioni al mese, finora dovrebbero essere state trasferite ben 78mila persone. Non è così: all’11 luglio sono stati ricollocati solo 3056 richiedenti asilo; quindi, meno del 2% del totale delle quote di ricollocazione è stato realizzato. I 28 paesi inizialmente coinvolti nel progetto (poi diventati 31 nei mesi successivi) hanno messo a disposizione appena 9119 posti. Relocation: uno sforzo di solidarietà Il programma di relocation inizia po...
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Finding home in Tiglieto
UNHCR Italy, 21/07/2016
Glitter and Faith, a refugee couple, are part of an integration project ran by local association "Consorzio Agora", in Tiglieto, near Genova. Local community welcomed them as if they were always part of the town. See more about their story....
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Over 15,500 asylum seekers pre-registered on mainland Greece
UNHCR, 01/07/2016
This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 1 July 2016, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. By: William Spindler | 1 July 2016 | A large-scale exercise to pre-register asylum seekers on mainland Greece was launched on 8 June 2016 by the Greek Asylum Service with UNHCR’s support. So far, more than 15,500 people residing in open temporary accommodation structures have received asylum seeker cards, valid for one year, allowing them to reside legally in Greece and have the right to access services, pending the full lodging of their asylum application. The exercise will help to identify those eligible for family reunification or relocation to another EU country. It will also identify persons with specific needs so that they may be referred to the appropriate organizations and re...
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Slovenian centre provides warm welcome after escape ordeal
UNHCR, 14/06/2016
I have to pinch myself because I think I’m dreaming,” says pharmacist Mazen Al-Khatib Al-Masri, whose family is finally safe in Slovenia after fleeing the dangers of Damascus. He still remembers landing on an uninhabited Greek island and living “like Robinson Crusoe”. “There were just the dolphins in the sea,” adds his wife, Heba Kanon, showing a photo of their boat on her smartphone. Mazen, 43, and Heba, 30, along with their daughter and two sons, are among 34 asylum-seekers relocated to Slovenia under an EU scheme to share the responsbility around Europe. Altogether, Slovenia, with its population of just over two million, will take 567 refugees by the end of next year. Twenty-eight of the new arrivals are Syrians and Iraqis who came via Greece. The other six are Eritreans who came via Italy. “We are attaching great importance to the EU relocation scheme,” says Vito T...
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Joint Press Release: The pre-registration of asylum seekers in the Greek mainland is starting today
UNHCR / Greek Asylum Service / EASO, 08/06/2016
Athens, 08/06/2016 The Asylum Service is launching today a large scale operation to pre-register applications for international protection, offering the possibility to third country nationals in mainland Greece to ask for asylum in the country, for family reunification or relocation to another EU member state. Pre-registration aims to cover the increasing demand for access to international protection from the approximately 49,000 people currently residing in mainland open temporary reception structures and open temporary accommodation structures. This exercise is supported financially by the European Commission. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) support its implementation. The process is open to people who entered Greece from 1 January 2015 and prior to 20 March 2016. There is no limit to the number of those who can pre-register, and all natio...
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UNHCR alarmed at refugee death on Hungary-Serbia border
UNHCR, 06/06/2016
Budapest, June 4, 2016 (UNHCR) – The UN Refugee Agency is alarmed at reports of the death of a Syrian refugee at the Hungary–Serbia border this week. UNHCR is seeking further details after being alerted about the death by the Hungarian Border Police. The man apparently drowned in the Tisza River after attempting to cross into Hungary from Serbia. He was allegedly with a larger group of refugees and migrants, who have said that they were pushed back, into the river. Allegations of a push back from Hungary to Serbia in the early morning of 1 June emerged earlier this week after the Hungarian police rescued an Iraqi mother and her children from the Tisza River. Reports emerged that they had been part of a larger group, among them a 22 year old Syrian man had gone missing during the alleged push back. Yesterday, the Hungarian police (at the border town of Szeged) have reported the rec...
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