Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean


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Syrian refugees revive Italian village of Camini
Al Jazeera, 30/08/2016
Hollowed out by emigration and lack of opportunities,Camini undergoes revival thanks to an influx of refugees....
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How media framed Mediterranean tragedies: an analysis
UNHCR/Carta di Roma, 30/08/2016
How media framed Mediterranean tragedies: an analysis...
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Relocation: il programma per la redistribuzione di richiedenti asilo stenta a decollare
UNHCR, Carta di Roma, 29/07/2016
Il programma, divenuto operativo nel settembre 2015, procede con lentezza. I posti a disposizione per i ricollocamenti dall’Italia sono solo il 7% del totale richiesto In base agli impegni assunti dall’Unione Europea nell’estate 2015, 160mila persone dovranno essere ricollocate da Italia, Grecia e Ungheria verso altri Stati europei entro settembre 2017. Dato l‘obiettivo della Commissione Europea di realizzare circa 6000 ricollocazioni al mese, finora dovrebbero essere state trasferite ben 78mila persone. Non è così: all’11 luglio sono stati ricollocati solo 3056 richiedenti asilo; quindi, meno del 2% del totale delle quote di ricollocazione è stato realizzato. I 28 paesi inizialmente coinvolti nel progetto (poi diventati 31 nei mesi successivi) hanno messo a disposizione appena 9119 posti. Relocation: uno sforzo di solidarietà Il programma di relocation inizia po...
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Finding home in Tiglieto
UNHCR Italy, 21/07/2016
Glitter and Faith, a refugee couple, are part of an integration project ran by local association "Consorzio Agora", in Tiglieto, near Genova. Local community welcomed them as if they were always part of the town. See more about their story....
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Slovenian centre provides warm welcome after escape ordeal
UNHCR, 14/06/2016
I have to pinch myself because I think I’m dreaming,” says pharmacist Mazen Al-Khatib Al-Masri, whose family is finally safe in Slovenia after fleeing the dangers of Damascus. He still remembers landing on an uninhabited Greek island and living “like Robinson Crusoe”. “There were just the dolphins in the sea,” adds his wife, Heba Kanon, showing a photo of their boat on her smartphone. Mazen, 43, and Heba, 30, along with their daughter and two sons, are among 34 asylum-seekers relocated to Slovenia under an EU scheme to share the responsbility around Europe. Altogether, Slovenia, with its population of just over two million, will take 567 refugees by the end of next year. Twenty-eight of the new arrivals are Syrians and Iraqis who came via Greece. The other six are Eritreans who came via Italy. “We are attaching great importance to the EU relocation scheme,” says Vito T...
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Mediterranean death toll soars in first 5 months of 2016
UNHCR, 31/05/2016
At least 880 people are believed to have drowned last week in a spate of shipwrecks and boat capsizings on the Mediterranean, the UN Refugee Agency said today. “For so many deaths to have occurred just in a matter of days and months is shocking and shows just how truly perilous these journeys are,” said UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. UNHCR told a press briefing in Geneva that the latest figures were arrived at following new information received through interviews with survivors brought ashore in Italy. “As well as three shipwrecks that were known to us as of Sunday, we have received information from people who landed in Augusta over the weekend that 47 people were missing after a raft carrying 125 people from Libya deflated,” UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler detailed. He added that eight others were reported separately to have been lost overboard from an...
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Coastguard rescues some 1,000 refugees and migrants off Italy
UNHCR, 13/05/2016
This is a summary of what was said by UNHCR spokesperson William Spindler – to whom quoted text may be attributed – at the press briefing, on 13 May 2016, at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. Approximately 1,000 people of various nationalities, including refugee families and unaccompanied children, were rescued yesterday in operations coordinated by Frontex. In one operation, some 500 people travelling in two fishing boats that had departed several days earlier from Egypt were rescued off Sicily, south east of Cape Passero. According to the Italian Coastguard, among this group there are some Syrians and Iraqis, as well as people from other nationalities. Apart from the two fishing boats that sailed from Egypt, it is believed that there were other smaller boats that came from Libya. Disembarkation of the 1,000 people rescued yesterday is taking place today at four different l...
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UNHCR: 6 steps towards solving the refugee situation in Europe
UNHCR, 04/03/2016
Ahead of a meeting of heads of state of government of the European Union (EU) with Turkey on 7 March in Brussels, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is today issuing recommendations aimed at helping States solve the refugee situation in Europe. The situation is quickly deteriorating with around 30,000 people now in Greece, about a third of whom are in Idomeni just near the border with the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Although the Greek authorities and military have ramped up their response, thousands are sleeping in the open without adequate reception, services, aid or information. With tensions mounting, the situation could escalate quickly into a full-blown crisis. UNHCR is supporting the Greek Government’s efforts by deploying staff, helping coordinate the response and providing emergency shelter, technical support and information to refugees and migrants. High Commissioner G...
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Un milione di rifugiati e migranti fuggiti in Europa nel 2015
UNHCR, 22/12/2015
Secondo le stime dell’Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati (UNHCR) e dell'Organizzazione Internazionale per le Migrazioni (OIM) persecuzioni, conflitti e povertà hanno costretto la cifra record di un milione di persone a fuggire in Europa nel 2015. In base ai dati dell’UNHCR, al 21 dicembre 972.500 persone circa avevano attraversato il Mar Mediterraneo. In aggiunta, l’OIM stima che oltre 34.000 persone abbiano attraversato le frontiere terrestri fra Turchia e Bulgaria e Turchia e Grecia....
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X Factor dà il benvenuto ai rifugiati
SKY, UNHCR, 26/11/2015
Si chiamano Ayse, Aya, Alaa, Oyetunde, Baryali e Rahell, sono due ragazze e quattro ragazzi rifugiati in Italia in fuga da guerre, dittature, violazioni dei diritti umani, limitazioni della libertà di ogni tipo, persino quella di fare musica. Sono stati ospiti della sesta puntata di X Factor, in onda su Sky Uno HD (canali 105 e 106) giovedì 26 novembre 2015. Leggi le loro storie!...
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