الاستجابة الإقليميّة للاجئين السوريين
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات
البوابة الإلكترونية للمعلومات بين الوكالات

معلومات شريك

Finn Church Aid
Country Offices & Branches
Finn Church Aid (FCA Jordan)
حول Formed in 1947, Finn Church Aid (FCA) is today the largest non-governmental organisation in Finland working in development cooperation, and second-largest in humanitarian assistance.
We have programs in 30 countries and provide assistance when and where it is most needed. We work with the poorest and most vulnerable people, regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnic background or political convictions. FCA works towards a world with justice and human dignity for all. Our work is based on three closely interlinked themes: sustainable livelihoods, stable societies, and rights and participation. Promoting gender equality is a cross-cutting theme in all of our work.
الاسم الكامل Ms. Outi Behm
رقم الهاتف +962 7777 94440
البريد الإلكتروني outi.behm@kirkonulkomaanapu.fi  
الموقع http://www.kua.fi/en