Mytilene Municipal Gallery and +359 Gallery
have the pleasure to invite you to the exhibition opening of
by the young Bulgarian painter Nora Ampova.
Curator: Tsvetelina Anastasova

About the Exhibition:
‘HIDE AND SEEK’ will be exhibited at the Mytilene Municipal Gallery between 16-30 June. The exhibition is part of the calendar of events for World Refugee Day (20 June 2016). ‘Hide and Seek’ is inspired by events from the 2015/2016 European Refugee Emergency and their impact on Lesvos, where the artist is currently living and creating the exhibition works.

‘HIDE AND SEEK’ takes an impartial look at the devastating effects of war. The exhibition is presented through the young painter’s social lens and draws from her established artistic methodology. The thought-provoking works are infused with irony, self-criticism, and humor, and are inspired by the personal and public environment experienced by the painter in creating the exhibition. In ‘HIDE AND SEEK’, Ampova comments on society by replacing the human with the animal form, in this case using the ostrich.


About the artist:
Nora Ampova is among the most talented and engaging young Bulgarian artists. Ampova was recently nominated for the prestigious national “Stoyan Kambarev” award, adding to achievements in her native Bulgaria and abroad. While focusing on independent exhibitions, Nora has also participated in important international collective projects, such as The Next Step Generation exhibition (at the European Commission building in Brussels, Belgium, 2015). Her works are also part of the Art Center Hugo Voeten collection (Hugo Voeten Art Center, Herentals, Belgium, 2014). In Bulgaria, her paintings have featured in prestigious forums, such as the Image and Likeness exhibition (National Gallery, Sofia, 2015) and Caution: Fresh Paint (Sofia City Gallery, Sofia, 2015). Nora Ampova is also known to the public from several independent projects, notably a series of paintings and installations titled Inside-Out.

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