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This page presents information about persons of concern broken down by sex and age, as well as by location within the country of residence (where such information is available). Note that data broken down in this way is not always available, so it may not be possible to reconcile the figures on this page with those on the Persons of Concern and Time Series pages. Such data is available since 2000.
Years ({[{ yearFiltered.length }]})
{[{ yr.value }]}
Months ({[{ monthFiltered.length }]})
{[{ m.value.month_en }]}
Country / territory of asylum/residence ({[{ countryAsylumFiltered.length }]})
{[{ country.value.country_of_asylum_en }]}
Country / territory of asylum/residence ({[{ countryFiltered.length }]})
{[{ country.value.country_of_residence_en }]}
Origin ({[{ originFiltered.length }]})
{[{ country.value.origin_en }]}
Population type ({[{ populationTypeFiltered.length }]})