Réponse Régionale à la crise des Réfugiés en République centrafricaine
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REFILE-Fake vaccination papers let yellow fever spread in Angola
Reuters Africa, 10/06/2016
(Refiles to correct date) * Early victims, with fake papers, traced to restaurant * Experts stymied at first by unexplained deaths in December * Technicians ran yellow fever test by chance * Health officials rue missed early opportunities, cost By Ed Cropley LUANDA, June 10 (Reuters) - The world's worst yellow fever outbreak in decades took hold in an Angolan slum because its early victims were Eritrean migrants whose false vaccination papers sent doctors off on the wrong path for weeks, international health officials said. The flare-up of the mosquito-borne disease has killed 325 people in Angola, spread as far as China - which has close commercial links with oil-rich Angola - and raised fears of the world running out of vaccine, but it might have been stopped in its tracks if it had been identified quickly in Luanda. Since the outbreak was identified in January,...
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Rebels in Central African Republic stepping up attacks - U.N.
Reuters Africa, 15/06/2016
By Michelle Nichols UNITED NATIONS, June 15 (Reuters) - Lord's Resistance Army rebels, who mutilate civilians and kidnap children to use as fighters and sex slaves, stepped up attacks and abductions in Central African Republic during the first three months of this year, the United Nations said on Wednesday. The U.N. envoy for Central Africa, Abdoulaye Bathily, also told the U.N. Security Council that the world body was concerned about the potential Ugandan withdrawal of some 2,500 troops from a military operation hunting down the brutal rebel movement. "The LRA appears now to be deviating from what had been for a certain period of time a low-profile posture, with attacks against larger and less isolated populations areas being noted and an increased number of children kidnapped," he said. The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for the LRA's messianic lead...
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Centrafrique : l'ONU salue le succès de la transition politique
UN News Centre, 15/06/2016
15 juin 2016 – Le Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général pour l'Afrique centrale, Abdoulaye Bathily, s'est félicité mercredi devant le Conseil de sécurité du bon déroulement des récentes élections présidentielle et législatives en République centrafricaine, permettant ainsi d'achever avec succès la période de transition politique. « Je suis heureux que le pays ait franchi cette étape importante qui le place de retour sur le chemin de la paix durable, du développement et de la consolidation d'une paix de long terme », a déclaré M. Bathily, qui présentait le dernier rapport du Secrétaire général sur les activités du Bureau régional des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique centrale (BRENUAC) qu'il dirige. Le Représentant spécial a noté que le Président centrafricain Faustin Archange Touadéra jouissait d'un large soutien et insisté sur la soif de chang...
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Global violence worsens, driven by Middle East conflicts - peace index
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 08/06/2016
By Alex Whiting LONDON, June 8 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - The world has become increasingly violent with deaths from conflict at a 25-year high, terrorist attacks at an all-time high and more people displaced than at any time since World War Two, the 2016 Global Peace Index showed on Wednesday. The annual index, which measures 23 indicators including incidents of violent crime, countries' levels of militarisation and weapons imports, said intensifying conflicts in the Middle East were mostly to blame. But beyond the Middle East, the world was actually becoming more peaceful, researchers behind the index said. "Quite often, in the mayhem which is happening in the Middle East currently, we lose sight of the other positive trends," said Steve Killelea, founder of the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), which produces the index. "If we look in the last year, if we too...
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A third of children in poor nations fail to meet mental development milestones: research
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 07/06/2016
By Lin Taylor LONDON, June 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - One third of young children living in developing nations are failing to meet basic mental development milestones, which could adversely affect their health, success in adulthood, and education levels, researchers said on Tuesday. Nearly 81 million children between three and four were not meeting basic developmental benchmarks with the highest numbers of affected children coming from sub-Saharan Africa, including Chad, Sierra Leone and Central African Republic, they said in a report. While poverty and malnutrition are contributing factors, more research needs to be done to understand the root causes of the problem, according to Dana McCoy, lead author of the study which uses data from the U.N. children's agency UNICEF and the U.S. Agency for International Development. "By virtue of the fact that these children are not...
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A third of children in poor nations fail to meet mental development milestones: research
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 07/06/2016
By Lin Taylor LONDON, June 7 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - One third of young children living in developing nations are failing to meet basic mental development milestones, which could adversely affect their health, success in adulthood, and education levels, researchers said on Tuesday. Nearly 81 million children between three and four were not meeting basic developmental benchmarks with the highest numbers of affected children coming from sub-Saharan Africa, including Chad, Sierra Leone and Central African Republic, they said in a report. While poverty and malnutrition are contributing factors, more research needs to be done to understand the root causes of the problem, according to Dana McCoy, lead author of the study which uses data from the U.N. children's agency UNICEF and the U.S. Agency for International Development. "By virtue of the fact that these children are not...
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La RCA reprend le commerce de diamant
BBC Afrique, 07/06/2016
e Bureau d'Evaluation et de Contrôle de Diamant et Or (BECDOR) a officiellement lancé cette reprise d'activités. L'accord fait suite à la levée partielle de l'embargo sur le diamant centrafricain obtenue fin juin 2015 en Angola. Il s'agit de diamants venant des villes de Berberati, Carnot, Bouar, Boda dans l'ouest et le sud-ouest du pays qui pourront être vendus sur le marché international. La levée partielle de l'embargo sur le diamant centrafricain a été l'objet de multiples plaidoyers de la part des autorités centrafricaines auprès des pays membres du processus de Kimberley. La ligne de défense de l'Etat centrafricain mise sur le retour de la sécurité dans les zones proposées, seule garantie pour la traçabilité de ses diamants. La RCA étant un Etat dont les recettes proviennent essentiellement de la vente des ressources minières dont le diamant. A...
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Central African Republic to resume diamond exports after 3-year ban
Reuters Africa, 06/06/2016
BANGUI, June 6 (Reuters) - Central Africa Republic will restart diamond exports three years after its stones were found to be funding armed groups in an inter-religious conflict and placed under embargo, the mines minister said on Monday. Central African Republic descended into chaos in March 2013 when predominantly Muslim Seleka rebels seized power, triggering reprisals by "anti-balaka" Christian militias who drove tens of thousands of Muslims from the south. Having held successful elections aimed at drawing a line under the violence, new President Faustin-Archange Touadera is seeking to revive the shattered economy. Mines Minister Leopold Mboli Fatrane said on state-owned radio that the partial lifting of the export ban would initially apply to the southern region of Berberati. "Very quickly we'll be working on other zones. As you know, we must follow certain conditions imp...
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Witchcraft among 269 rights violations in CAR, says UN
Al Jazeera, 02/06/2016
Report details 269 incidents in the Central African Republic, including witchcraft and torture, since November. There have been at least 269 verified incidents of human rights violations and abuses in the Central African Republic, including arbitrary killings, sexual violence and allegations of witchcraft, since November 2015, according to a new UN report. UN chief Ban Ki-moon's report to the Security Council on the Central Africa region, released on Wednesday, said the UN documented incidents involving 915 victims including 53 women, 48 boys and 30 girls. The report on activities of the UN regional office since November 15 did not give a breakdown of the number of killings or cases of sexual and gender-based violence, cruel treatment and arbitrary arrests and detentions. But it said, without elaborating, that "18 incidents of human rights violations and abuse related to alle...
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Centrafrique : un gorille abattu
BBC Afrique, 06/06/2016
L'enterrement du gorille, espèce protégée, a eu lieu ce dimanche à Bayanga localité située à 300 kilomètres au sud-ouest de Bangui. La nouvelle de la mort de Kossa, le gorille abattu par des braconniers, a affecté une partie du village compte tenu de ce qu'il représentait pour la réserve et la commune. Né en 2004, l'animal était âgé de 12 ans. Il était sur le point de talonner le plus ancien gorille de la réserve déjà très affaibli par l'âge. L'abattage de cette espèce protégée est un manque à gagner pour la population de Bayanga; en effet, 40% des revenus générés par le tourisme sont reversés à la commune. Les auteurs de cet abattage clandestin n'ont pas été identifiés, et courent toujours. Une enquête a été immédiatement ouverte par la brigade de la gendarmerie de Bayanga afin d'établir les circonstances dans lesquelles le gorille a ...
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