ONEVerified account


ONE is a campaigning and advocacy organisation of more than 8 million people taking action to end extreme poverty & preventable disease, particularly in Africa.

Joined September 2008
In times of crisis, this account helps share critical information with Twitter Alerts. Be prepared


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  1. 6h

    If you've ever purchased something after seeing it online, you *need* to read this amazing story! 👇

  2. 8h

    The state of humanitarian data today is lacklustre at best.

  3. 10h

    Advocacy – literally voicing the needs of our neighbors alongside them – makes a difference.

  4. 12h

    These incredible women are lifting each other up. (h/t @IndegoAfrica)

  5. 14h

    This school is inspiring others to follow in its footsteps!

  6. 16h

    This program's founder quit his job so he could help kids in his community stay in school!

  7. 17h

    This dad is the ultimate.

  8. 17h

    Football is helping these girls go to school and gain confidence.

  9. 18h

    Find out how these bikes are transforming a community in Ghana

  10. 19h

    With an education a girl's future holds more opportunity.

  11. 20h

    This program is giving moms a chance to empower themselves.

  12. 20h

    Faced with a severe drought these farmers have had to change how they farm.

  13. 21h

    Being connected means these women have access to vital health information.

  14. 22h

    Look away if you're not in the mood to have your opinion challenged!

  15. 23h

    Malaria is deadly so the work they're doing is essential.

  16. Aug 31

    Access to books helps students in this program go from readers to leaders!

  17. Aug 31

    "Because of my sex, many of the men in my community did not believe I could go very far."

  18. Aug 31

    8 shocking facts about refugees >>> .

  19. Aug 31

    This teen established a library in her community in Kenya for the BEST reason.

  20. Aug 31

    Her community can be described as a food desert. So, she's planting veggie gardens!

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