Réponse Régionale à la crise des Réfugiés en République centrafricaine
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La scolarité des enfants réfugiés centrafricains au Cameroun
RFI, 16/02/2016
Plus de 230 000 centrafricains ont trouvé refuge au Cameroun depuis le début de la guerre pour la plupart dans des camps gérés par le HCR. Parmi eux, de nombreux enfants déscolarisés qu’il faut remettre sur le chemin de l’école. L’ONG Camerounaise Plan International, l’Unicef, et le Ministère de l’Education du Cameroun ont mis en place depuis deux ans des ETAPES, des structures éducatives dans les camps pour assurer une remise à niveau des élèves centrafricains avant de les transférer dans les écoles publiques du Cameroun. Un reportage d’Alice Milot dans le camp de Gado, à 20 km de la frontière Centrafricaine. En 2e partie : Mauvaise mère, les blessures de l’adoption. Mauvaise mère commence le jour des 32 ans de Mina, jour où pour la énième fois elle va lever la main sur sa mère adoptive. Cette dernière va se mettre en retrait pendant 5 mois au c...
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Un homme poignardé à mort au km5
RJDH, 03/02/2016
Un homme âgé d’une trentaine d’années a été poignardé, le mardi 2 février dernier au quartier camerounais au km5. La victime est morte ce mercredi dans la matinée de suite de sa blessure. Les raisons seraient liées à la répartition des taxes que les autodéfenses du secteur prélèvent auprès des bouchers. C’est à 9 heures et demi près du canal de Saye-voir qui sépare le quartier Sara et le quartier camerounais, surnommé Texas au Km5 que l’acte s’est produit. Des coups de feu et explosion de grenade ont été entendus. Un témoin s’est confié sur l’incident en ces termes « c’est hier 02 février 2016, aux environ de 19 heures que la dispute avait commencé. Un jeune homme âgé d’environ 36 ans a poignardé l’autre âgé d’une trentaine d’années. Ce matin, la victime a succombé à ses blessures». « Des tirs d’armes automatiq...
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In Bong, my husband was killed
IEDA Relief, 01/12/2015
VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue1RvItha5A&feature=youtu.be In 2015, IEDA Relief and the UNHCR granted 219 income-generating activities to refugees from Central African Republic living in the refugee sites of Cameroon. This is their story....
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FEATURE-Left in limbo, elections offer hope for CAR refugees in Cameroon
Thomson Reuters Foundation, 08/12/2015
By Josiane Kouagheu GADO-BADZERE, Cameroon, Dec 8 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - W ith her two-month-old baby on one arm, Mariam Gary squats down in the dimly-lit kitchen to fry fish over a wood fire as she prepares dinner for her five children. Daily survival is a struggle for Mariam in the simple clay house in a small town in eastern Cameroon, home for the 33-year-old and her children since they fled fighting in the Central African Republic more than two years ago. Since mainly Muslim Seleka rebels briefly seized power in a coup in early 2013, the majority Christian Central African Republic has been torn by religious violence which has killed thousands, uprooted almost a million and divided the nation. "We fled Bangui and walked to Cameroon without any belongings or money. I lost my brothers and sisters along the way, cut to pieces by machetes," Mariam said, her eyes floodi...
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Violence, refugees pile pressure on Cameroonian communities - U.N.
Reuters, 26/10/2015
By Kieran Guilbert DAKAR, Oct 26 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Escalating violence in northern Cameroon combined with an influx of refugees from Nigeria and Central African Republic is placing immense strain on local communities already struggling to survive, the United Nations' aid chief said on Monday. Cross-border raids and suicide bombings by suspected Boko Haram forces have uprooted more than 80,000 people in Cameroon's Far North region over the last year, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) says. The region is also home to 60,000 Nigerian refugees who have fled attacks by the militant group since the start of 2013. Boko Haram, which has waged a brutal six-year campaign to carve out an Islamist caliphate, used Cameroon's north to stockpile supplies and recruits until a government crackdown last year, but the militants have ramped up attacks th...
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Ouvertures des archives au Cameroun: Hollande a marqué des points
RFI, 05/07/2015
Vendredi lors de son étape camerounaise, François Hollande a été le premier chef d'Etat français a reconnaître implicitement un pan trouble et méconnu de l'histoire entre la France et le Cameroun, qui dans les années 1950 et 1960 a vu des troupes françaises réprimer les aspirations a l'indépendance des nationalistes camerounais. Les combats auraient fait des milliers de morts. L'affaire nourrit un certain sentiment anti-français au Cameroun. Hollande a levé le tabou à Yaoundé et soulevé du coup l'enthousiasme des Camerounais. L’attente était forte, mais la réponse inespérée. En entrouvrant une brèche dans l’histoire douloureuse entre la France et le Cameroun, François Hollande a marqué les esprits à Yaoundé et notamment ceux des dirigeants actuels de l’Union des populations du Cameroun (UPC), le parti historique des nationalistes camerounais d’avant et...
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Suspected Central African Republic rebels kill three in Cameroon raid
Reuters, 25/04/2015
A suspected group of armed rebels from the Central African Republic killed three people in a village in neighbouring Cameroon and kidnapped seven others, the latest in a spate of cross-border attacks, Cameroon state radio said on Friday. Residents in Mbeng village said the attack took place early on Thursday when masked assailants entered the village. They shot three women and took away five others. The same group is suspected to have seized two other people the next day. Armed bands from the Central African Republic have carried out raids across the border since their country descended into chaos in March 2013 when the Seleka rebel group seized power. A transitional government is now in place but attacks continue, prompting Cameroon to deploy special forces on the border. In March, 15 people including a mayor and local government officials were kidnapped in a similar attack. ...
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UNHCR Chief appeals for more aid to Cameroon
UNHCR, 26/03/2015
UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres has called for greatly increased humanitarian and development assistance to Cameroon after touring a camp that is hosting tens of thousands of refugees who escaped violence in neighbouring Nigeria. "Cameroon has demonstrated an enormous generosity opening its borders, its doors and its houses, the hearts of its people, to now more than 350,000 refugees from Nigeria and from the Central African Republic," Guterres said after listening to the experiences of those in Minawao camp in Cameroon's Far North Region on Wednesday. "But Cameroon is also suffering the impact of a dramatic security situation in the Far North part of the country due to events in Nigeria," he said. The region now hosts an estimated 74,000 Nigerian refugees, of which 42,000 have been verified by UNHCR. Opened in July 2013, some 90 kilometers from the volatile ...
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Growing numbers of young CAR refugees arrive in Cameroon with malnutrition
UNHCR, 22/05/2014
Houriatou is distraught and in tears. She has become used to loss since her native Central African Republic exploded into violence last December, but the death of her 18-month-old grandson, Djaratou, from severe malnutrition seemed particularly cruel to her, and she can't hold back. The 40-year-old refugee from Central African Republic sits and mourns on the hospital bed where the baby just died in the eastern Cameroon town of Batouri. He was also being treated for a nasty cudgel wound, inflicted by militiamen during the flight from the Central African Republic. Houriatou finds it difficult to understand why Djaratou should have died after surviving the gruelling flight and journey, when finding enough food to eat was part of the ordeal. "We walked for three months in the forest. It was terrible. We only ate leaves on the road. We walked until our feet were swollen," she recalls......
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Israeli soccer coaches play ball with refugees in Cameroon
Ynet News, 01/01/2015
Over 3,000 refugee children from Central African Republic take part in special soccer workshop led by delegation of Israeli coaches: 'Soccer instead of war.' By Itamar Eichner A delegation of Israeli soccer coaches recently arrived at a remote refugee camp in Cameroon that is home to refugee children who fled ongoing violence in the Central African Republic. Equipped with soccer balls and nets, the coaches tried to spread the "gospel of soccer" among the camp's children, who are suffering from severe trauma as a result of the brutal war ravaging their country. The project was initiated by the Israeli Embassy in Cameroon in cooperation with the "Mifalot Education and Society Enterprises" organization and a UN human rights organization. Members of the organization conducted a series of training sessions and activities for the local children in an attempt to encourage...
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