Réponse Régionale à  la crise des Réfugiés en Syrie
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  Monday, 20th June 2016 Displaying 1 to 10 of 64 events

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Tuesday, 21st June 2016

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Protection WG Meeting - Bekaa

Location: UNHCR Zahle
Chaired By: UNHCR - NRC
Contact: Fawad Aamir - Joe Keyrouz (aamir@unhcr.org - joe.keyrouz@nrc.no)
Event created by khalilk UNHCR Lebanon (16/03/2016)
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Protection Working Group Lebanon

Thursday, 23rd June 2016

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Health WG Meeting - Bekaa

Location: UNHCR Zahle
Chaired By: UNHCR - UNICEF
Contact: Mona Kiwan - Sabine Abdul Sater (kiwanm@unhcr.org - sabdulsater@unicef.org)
Event created by Maroun Sader UNHCR Lebanon (23/05/2016)
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Health Working Group Lebanon

Friday, 24th June 2016

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Basic Assistance WG - Bekaa

Location: UNHCR Bekaa field office
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Mathilde De Riedmatten (deriedma@unhcr.org)
Event created by rahal UNHCR Lebanon (22/02/2016)
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Core Relief Items (CRIs)
Basic Assistance Working Group - Lebanon

Tuesday, 28th June 2016

9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Child Protection in Emergencies WG Meeting - Bekaa

Location: UNHCR Zahle
Contact: Esther Akinyi Olang / Roula Abi Saad / Dominique Sbardella (olang@unhcr.org / rabisaad@unicef.org / dsbardella@unicef.org)
Event created by Aoife Along UNICEF Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Child Protection

Tuesday, 5th July 2016

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

SGBV Task Force - Bekaa

Location: UNHCR Zahle
Chaired By: UNHCR - UNICEF
Contact: Esther Olang Akinyi, Roula abi Saad (olang@unhcr.org, rabisaad@unicef.org)
Event created by khalilk UNHCR Lebanon (16/03/2016)
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Gender-Based Violence
SGBV Task Force - Lebanon
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Inter Agency Coordination Meeting - Bekaa

Location: UNHCR Zahle
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Maeve Murphy (murphym@unhcr.org)
Event created by Remo Fambri UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Livelihood Working Group meeting - Bekaa

Location: UNHCR Zahle
Chaired By: UNHCR - Mercy Corps
Contact: Claudia Rincon - Maha Azzam - Stacey Schamber (rincon@unhcr.org - azzamm@unhcr.org - schamber @lb.mercycorps.org)
Event created by Remo Fambri UNHCR Lebanon (04/01/2016)
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Community Services

Tuesday, 12th July 2016

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Livelihoods Working Group

Location: Chtaura- UNDP Office
Chaired By: UNDP
Contact: Rania Hammoud (rania.hammoud@undp.org)
Event created by Said Abou Kharroub UNDP (04/01/2016)
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10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Social Stability & Livelihoods Working Group - Bekaa

Location: UNDP Chtaura Office
Contact: Rania Hammoud (rania.hammoud@undp.org)
Event created by Hany Imam UNDP (11/03/2016)
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Community Services
Livelihoods Working Group -Lebanon
Social Stability Working Group - Lebanon
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Social Stability Working Group

Location: Chtaura- UNDP Office
Chaired By: UNDP
Contact: Rania Hammoud (rania.hammoud@undp.org)
Event created by Said Abou Kharroub UNDP (04/01/2016)
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