I hope one day to become a teacher”

“I will now be able to go to school!

Juliette is proud to show off her new birth certificate – the document which will now allow her to go to school and pursue her dreams.

The ten year old is one of 1,730 people to receive certificates in Natitingou, a remote village in Benin.

And for Jean-Pierre, the president of Natitingou’s tribunal, this is a huge victory – particularly for the 1,000 children who are now properly documented.

“They now exist and will no longer have to suffer the consequences of not having a nationality, which would prevent them from going to school or accessing basic social services. Thanks to this work, the children will be connected to a country and enjoy the rights associated with having a nationality.”

We’ve been working closely with the Government of Benin to ensure that people – particularly those in remote areas – have the proper documentation they need to prove their nationality. In this way, Benin is paving the way to eradicate statelessness and ensure that all of their citizens have access to the same basic human rights.

This week we celebrated the first anniversary of the Abidjan Declaration, which was adopted by all West African States as a pledge to reduce and ultimately eradicate statelessness in the region.

Learn more about the Declaration by clicking here and sign our open letter to end statelessness:

Sign the Open Letter


#IBELONG to a world where everyone has the right to a nationality. We need ten million signatures to change ten million lives. Please sign & share our open letter to end statelessness in ten years.