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Title/DescriptionPartnerships withe the private sector to promote employment
CountryArgentina » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Buenos Aires (y Santiago, Chile)
Actors/PartnersBurger King, MyRAr, HIAS, FFCAM,
FundingPrivate » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Promoting access to “first jobs” through agreements with private companies in Argentina.

• To date, Burger King (BK) has hired seven people; every time there is a vacancy in the company, the candidates are identified by ROARG partner agencies, in particular FCCAM, MyRAr and HIAS, and are referred to the company to be interviewed and eventually hired.

• Burger King trains people on the job; prior to the launching of the project BK had organized an awareness day for all managers of the branch where the refugees were going to work.

• In addition to BK (ALSEA group) are: i) a formal agreement with the Buenos Aires Sofitel (ACCOR group), ii) an informal agreement of the partner agency MyRAr with the car wash company ProntoWash in Buenos Aires which have hired several refugees (17 people in 2010), iii) informal agreements between the partner agency Vicaría (Vicariate) with three private companies in Santiago, Chile, which have hired several refugees (eight people in 2010).

Why is this considered a Good practice?• UNHCR Buenos Aires established a working group with Program and PI officers; • The initiative’s objectives were verbally agreed;• Then PI made first contact with companies; • In both cases (BK and Sofitel) an initial meeting was held with the company’s Department of Human Resources to report on UNHCR/asylum/needs, etc. • The expertise of the regional hub in Panama was used. • Once the agreement was signed, BK and ROARG coordinated the first searches, and then MyRAr, which is the agency that deals with employment, took the coordinating role. A focal point was assigned in the ROARG Program Unit to monitor the project.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentCities of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Income Generation » 

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