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Title/DescriptionJoint initiative between UNHCR and the Ombudsman’s Office to promote international refugee protection in the border territory with Panamá
CountryCosta Rica » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Cantones fronterizos de Costa Rica con Panamá (Corredores, Coto Brus, Limon y Golfito)
Actors/PartnersACNUR y Defensoría de los Habitantes
FundingPublic » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)UNHCR and the Costa Rica Ombudsman’s Office signed a MoU in 2008 in order to create a post financed by UNHCR in the Ombudsman’s regional office in Ciudad Neilly (20-30 minutes away from the border). The aim is to strengthen the local capabilities (mainly of the Immigration and security officials) to identify asylum-seekers in the border areas.

Since its inception, the local capabilities of the institutions in that area have been reinforced. Several training workshops (jointly with IOM) in International Refugee Law, smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons have been held.

A “Southern Border Team” was created with representatives of different institutions with presence in the zone and that play particular roles during the arrival of asylum-seekers with special needs. UNHCR, the Ombudsman’s Office and IOM designed coordination procedures and case referral mechanisms for asylum-seekers as well as for probable trafficking victims to be sent to San José, the capital City. The coordination with UNHCR Panamá as well as Panamanian institutional counterparts has also increased.

Why is this considered a Good practice?There is a permanent UNHCR presence in a strategic area (some 80% of the asylum-seekers enter Costa Rica via the Paso Canoas border post). Very low cost project. UNHCR only pays, through ACAI, the implementing partner, for the salary of the liaison person in the southern zone and provides some office supplies to the Ombudsman’s Office. Correspondingly, the Ombudsman’s Office provides free physical space inside their offices and pays for all the services used by UNHCR: phone, Internet access, rent, utilities, office supplies and furniture. The Ombudsman’s Office vehicle is also available for field and border monitoring trips. UNHCR’s mandate is better known and there is more awareness regarding the arrival of persons with international protection needs, especially due to the arrival of people from other regions of the world. Local capabilities have been enhanced due to alliances than include three institutional local networks and the creation of the Southern Border Team.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentBorders of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Legal clinics » Governments, states, municipalities » 
Convenio ACNUR-Defensoría

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