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Title/DescriptionDatabase / registration system
CountryCosta Rica » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Costa Rica
Actors/PartnersACNUR, ACAI, APRODE, Casa de Derechos, Proyecto fronterizo con Panamá
FundingUNHCR » 
Objectif(s)To have a reliable registration system as a protection and programming tool for UNHCR and its partners in Costa Rica.

From January 2010 (start date) to October 2012, some 3,839 persons of interest to UNHCR were registered.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The need of having more reliable baseline information was defined. ProGres registration system is not used in Costa Rica so after proper authorizations, the design of a local database system was initiated. The registration system ( has the same categories as ProGres and data could be migrated to that system in the future, in case it is implemented. The system has functionalities different from those in ProGres, such as worldwide Internet access and real-time information. For example: Whenever a person’s information is keyed in the border with Panamá, that same information is immediately available in San José and everywhere else. It enables to obtain better information regarding the profile and needs of the refugee population in order to enhance the program’s design (baseline information). It is also a tool for protection and durable solutions. Example: it has allowed the identification of special needs’ cases that could be referred to the resettlement program. It also makes job searching and local integration easier. This tool is part of the daily activities of the main implementing partners and operation’s personnel, except the government agencies. The system has 11 modules for the entry of specific data that is relevant to UNHCR and its partners; it has a search engine and report generation capabilities, which should make it easier for the implementing partners to share with UNHCR the required quarterly reports.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentProtection » 
Theme (s)Registry databases » 

Sistema de Registro

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