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Title/DescriptionWomen at Risk (Chile)
CountryChile » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Santiago
Actors/PartnersVicaría Pastoral Social y de los Trabajadores Área Refugio
FundingUNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Provide a stable response to socially vulnerable refugee women. This is accomplished by the following steps: • Accompany and facilitate the integration process and exercise of their economic, social and cultural rights • Ensure minimum national standards of care in public services • Develop a work proposal leading to processes of self-sufficiency and autonomy.

• Implementation of a public policy management on mental health issues

Training for leveling studies, employment history, job seeking plan

Documentation and certification of technical and higher education studies, and children

Housing allowance before the end of the intervention process.

Why is this considered a Good practice?Through this program, the local integration of vulnerable women resettled in Chile has been achieved. The program is sustainable by the involvement of local municipalities.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentResettlement » 
Theme (s)Gender-based violence (SGBV) » Governments, states, municipalities » Focus on women » 

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