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Title/DescriptionTraining on the refugee population rights
CountryMexico » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)México, DF
Actors/PartnersCivil Society, Sin Fronteras
FundingPublic » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Sensitize the civil society, public servants and other actors on the meaning and rights afforded by refugee status and the refugees’ obligations in the country of asylum.

Many officers who support the integration of refugees have been trained including: regular bipartite meetings (Sin Fronteras and COMAR), Civil Registry officers, officials of the National

Migration Institute and other government institutions that have contact with the population of concern. Civil society organizations are invited to provide training to federal officers including the issue of asylum.

Within the Programme of Assistance to urban refugees are included training sessions to refugees and asylum-seekers and supplementary protection in Spanish.


Why is this considered a Good practice?It allows a better identification of people with international protection needs, expansion of protection networks; facilitate local integration and visibility of this population by helping them to exercise their rights.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentProtection » 
Theme (s)Governments, states, municipalities » 

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