
UNHCR WASH Guidelines on Camps Closure (UNHCR, 2014)

WASH Guidance on Camp Closure

This brief is intended to highlight key WASH elements for camps closure. It focuses on specific actions, including the highlights of public health risks associated with health, water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) when dealing with decommissioning of WASH infrastructures. The overall closure implementation actions and modus operandi should be context specific and properly planned in coordination with key stakeholders.

Improving Sanitation in Refugee Camps (UNHCR and Boston Consulting Group, 2015)


The report examines the feasibility of a wide range of standard sanitation technologies in addition to sanitation innovations in refugee contexts (including miniaturized biogas, reinvented toilets, new processor technologies, SMS dispatching, pay per use toilets, sale of by-products). Technologies were evaluated based on upfront investment cost; technology viability, suitable size and transportability; flexibility and resilience; and value for money.

F-90/2015a UNHCR WASH Assessment Primer Questions (UNHCR, 2015)

WASH Assessment Primer Questions (UNHCR, 2015)

These WASH related primer questions have been designed to assist UNHCR and WASH actors collect data from key informants and focus groups during WASH assessments. The list of questions is not exhaustive and is merely intended as a conversation primer (aide memoire).

D-41/2015a Emergency Trench Latrine (Wood and Plastic) Design and BoQ (UNHCR, 2015)

Emergency Trench Latrine Design and BoQs (UNHCR, 2015) v3

This document contains documentation to help UNHCR and WASH actors install emergency trench latrines in refugee settings. The package includes: Technical Drawings; Step by Step Construction Drawings; Bills of Quantity; Material and Workmanship Specifications; and Design Calculations.

F-91/2015a UNHCR Excreta Management Assessment Tool (UNHCR, 2015)

Excreta Management Assessment Tool (UNHCR, 2015)

This assessment tool has been designed to assist UNHCR and WASH actors collect data on excreta management during a needs assessment. The main purpose of this tool is to identify problems related to excreta management and identify actions to bring conditions to UNHCR standards.

F-40/2015a Toilet Infrastructure Sanitary Survey Form (UNHCR, 2015)

Toilet Infrastructure Sanitary Survey Form (UNHCR, 2015)

This sanitary survey form can be used to monitor and evaluate the condition of communal and public toilet blocks in a refugee setting. The main purpose of this tool is to rapidly identify public health and protection related risks. The tool can also be used in the medium term to monitor trends in the condition of toilet infrastructure.

UNHCR WASH Manual – Preliminary Version (UNHCR, 2015)


The UNHCR WASH Manual is a comprehensive and authoritative reference document for WASH interventions in refugee settings, built upon the experience of UNHCR and WASH organisations.

WASH Monitoring Azraq Camp Jordan 15 Feb 2015 (REACH, 2015)


This document provides a snapshot of WASH service provision in Azraq Refugee Camp undertaken on the 15th – 16th February 2015. The document document provides an overview of the conditions in 912 WASH blocks with a focus on structural integrity, safety, access, and cleanliness.

Handbook for Emergencies – Third Edition (UNHCR, 2007)


The UNHCR Handbook for Emergencies is a comprehensive and authoritative reference document for refugee settings, built upon the experience of UNHCR and partner organisations.