Person of concern to UNHCR
A person whose protection and assistance needs are of interest to UNHCR. This includes refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless people, internally displaced people and returnees.
Population Planning Group (PPG)
A homogenous group of people of concern of the same origin and status who reside at the same location. UNHCR’s planning and budgeting is built around these groups.
Prima facie refugees
Individuals who are recognized as refugees, by a State or UNHCR, on the basis of objective criteria related to the circumstances in their country of origin, justifying a presumption that they meet the criteria of the applicable refugee definition.
Principles of Partnership
UNHCR endorsed the Global Humanitarian Platform's Principles of Partnership in July 2007. These principles set out common standards of equality, transparency, complementarity and a results-oriented approach among all humanitarian groups.
Mechanism to enhance the UN protection response through the provision of trained protection officers for short-term field assignments.
Programme support
The costs of organizational units, whose primary functions are the formulation, development, delivery and evaluation of UNHCR programmes.
Promoted voluntary repatriation
Voluntary repatriation encouraged and organized by UNHCR, when conditions are considered conducive for the safe and dignified return of refugees.
All activities aimed at obtaining full respect for the rights of the individual, in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the relevant bodies of law (i.e. international human rights law, international humanitarian law and refugee law).
Protection, monitoring and coordination
In financial reports, the cost of UNHCR’s presence at operating locations (i.e. the direct cost of providing international protection to refugee populations). This differs from the “Legal assistance” sector, which refers to the cost of specific projects and/or materials.