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UNHCR Offices

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)’s mandate is to conduct and coordinate international actions for the protection of asylum seekers and refugees, as well as the search for durable solutions for their problems.

Representante do ACNUR no Brasil
Tel: (61) 3044-5744
SCN Quadra 05, Bloco A, Sala 801, Edificio Brasilia Shopping - Asa Norte, Brasília - DF
CEP: 70715-000
Click for location
Escritório do ACNUR em São Paulo
Tel: (11) 3017-5332

Other Contacts

Civil Society Partner Organizations

In order to fulfill its mission, UNHCR in Brazil counts on the support of civil society organizations with a vast experience in the area, which work to promote the protection, assistance and local integration of asylum seekers and refugees in Brazil. Through these organizations, asylum seekers and refugees have access to orientation and information regarding housing, health, education, documentation, Portuguese language courses, inclusion in the labor market, etc. These organizations are present in the following Brazilian cities: Rio de Janeiro, Caritas Arquidiocesana do Rio de Janeiro (CARJ); São Paulo, Caritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo (CASP); Brasilia, Instituto Migrações e Direitos Humanos (IMDH).

Paróquia N. Senhora das Dores
Tel: (68) 35465599
Centro de Defesa DDHH e Educação Popular
Tel: (68) 32248864 | (68) 32248997
Rio Branco
Pastoral da Mobilidade Humana
Tel: (68) 32288347
Rio Branco
Paróquia N. Sra. Das Graças
Tel: (96) 35211309
Oiapoque, Amapá
Rio de Janeiro
Caritas Arquidiocesana of Rio de Janeiro
Tel: (21) 2567-4117 / 2567-4105
Rua São Francisco Xavier, n. 483 - Bairro Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro
CEP: 20550-011
Click for location
Caritas Arquidiocesana of São Paulo
Tel: (11) 3241-3239
Rua Major Diogo, n. 834 - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP
CEP: 01324-000
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Instituto Migrações e Direitos Humanos
Tel: (61) 3340-2689
Quadra 07, Conjunto C, Lote 01 - Vila Varjão/Lago Norte
Brasília, DF
CEP: 71540-400
Click for location

Federal Police

The Federal Police (Polícia Federal) is the governmental body in charge of registering asylum claims, providing documents for asylum seekers and refugees, informing asylum seekers on the result of their claims and receiving appeals against CONARE’s negative decisions.

Boa Vista
Tel: (95) 3621-1515
Tel: (61) 3223-2302 / 2024-8450 2024-8452
Caxias do Sul
Tel: (54) 3213-9000
Tel: (67) 3234-7800
Tel: (65) 3614-5600
Tel: (41) 3251-7500
Tel: (68) 3546-5131
Tel: (85) 3392-4900
Tel: (11) 2445-2212
Tel: (92) 3655-1515
Tel: (41) 3422-2033
Porto Alegre
Tel: (51) 3235-9000
Rio de Janeiro
Tel: (21) 2203-4000 / 2203-4008
Tel: (13) 3213-1800
São Paulo
Tel: (11) 3538-5000

National Committee for Refugees

The National Committee for Refugees, or CONARE, is the governmental body in charge of reviewing and deciding all asylum claims in Brazil. It is also the authority responsible for defining the Brazilian policy on asylum. CONARE is located in Brasília, at the Ministry of Justice.

Tel: (61) 2025-9225

State Public Defender’s Office

The State Public Defender’s office (Defensoria Pública do Estado) will deal with any doubts or need to litigate on questions related to housing, rent, divorce, allowance, guardianship, inventory, paternity investigation, reparation or if you are the defendant in a criminal case for crimes of the competency of the State Justice, such as murder, theft, robbery, fraud, rape, etc.

Boa Vista
Tel: (95) 2121-4777
Tel: (68) 3223-8859
Tel: (61) 2196-4311
Caxias do Sul
Tel: (54) 3228-2298
Tel: (67) 3232-9386
Tel: (65) 3613-3400
Tel: (41) 3219-7300
Tel: (68) 3546-3172
Tel: (85) 3101-3434
Tel: (11) 2229-1657
Tel: (92) 3633-2955
Tel: (41) 3420-2942
Porto Alegre
Tel: (51) 3211-2233
Rio Branco
Tel: (68) 3223-0763
Rio de Janeiro
Tel: (21) 2332-6068
Tel: (13) 3221-5611
São Paulo
Tel: (11) 3105-5799

Federal Public Defender’s Office

The Federal Public Defender’s Office (Defensoria Pública da União) will deal with any doubts regarding asylum procedures, disagreements with the result of your asylum claim and with general issues related to documentation, retirement, rights of foreigners in Brazil, access to assistance benefits and if you are the defendant in a criminal case for crimes of the competency of the Federal Justice, such as the forging of passports, or identity cards, or in procedures of extradition and/or expulsion of the country.

Boa Vista
Tel: (95) 3212-3000
Tel: (61) 3214-1490
Campo Grande
Tel: (67) 3324-1305
Tel: (65) 3611-7400
Tel: (41) 3320-6400
Tel: (85) 3474-8750
Tel: (11) 2928-7800
Tel: (92) 3133-1600
Porto Alegre
Tel: (51) 3216-6946
Rio Branco
Tel: (68) 2106-7800
Rio de Janeiro
Tel: (21) 3325-4900
Tel: (13) 3325-4900
São Paulo
Tel: (11) 3627-3400

Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice is the authority which reviews and decides all appeals submitted by asylum seekers in Brazil. The Minister of Justice is a Minister of the Brazilian State, responsible for topics related to the Judiciary, public security, nationality, foreigners, indigenous populations, among others.

Ministério da Justiça
Tel: (61) 2025-3587


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