Syria Regional Refugee Response
Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal
Inter-agency Information Sharing Portal

name1 name2
35,200 Individuals
Total Persons of Concern
Base Layer


This map does not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations

Total Persons of Concern


Last Updated 31 Mar 2016

Source - UNHCR

Male (48%) Age (52%) Female
9.6% 0 - 4 9.1%
12.2% 5 - 11 11.7%
6.4% 12 - 17 6%
19% 18 - 59 24%
0.9% 60 + 1.2%

   Latest Documents

10 Jun 2016
The Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) is an inter-agency tool that provides an overview of the immediate needs at the community level of a given population as a result of either a significant increase of newly arrived refugees, secondary displacement of refugees within Lebanon, or internal displacement of Lebanese due to conflict or a natural disaster. The RNA will offer humanitarian agencies a quick snapshot of the situation on the ground, map cross-sectoral needs, identify humanitarian priorities, and initiate sector specific assessments. The RNA, composed of a multi-sectoral questionnaire developed through a comprehensive inter-agency process that originated at field level, is based on lessons learned during the events in Arsal of August 2014, which resulted in the displacement of Syrian and Lebanese households. Process Overview
Download (6.7 MB)

  Total Persons of Concern

Settlement Total Population    
100 %

  Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 29th June 2016

10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Social Stability & Livelihoods Working Group - South
Location: Tyr
Chaired By: UNDP
Contact: Iman Al Khatib ( 961 3 33 19 85

Tuesday, 5th July 2016

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Location: Saida (Blue Mission Organisation premises),
Description: alternation every month Tyr (Imam Sadr Foundation premises) Sarafand (Lebanese Welfare Association for the Handicapped).
Chaired By: MoPH-NMHP
Contact: Nour Kik ( ) +961 70804483

10:00 AM - 11:15 AM

Shelter WG Meeting - South
Location: UNHCR Office Tyre
Chaired By: UNHCR/NRC
Contact: Astrid Castelein (

11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

WASH WG Meeting - South
Location: UNHCR Tyre
Chaired By: UNHCR/WVI
Contact: Astrid Castelein (

Wednesday, 6th July 2016

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Basic Assistance WG Meeting - Tyre
Location: UNHCR Tyre
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Astrid Castelein (

11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

Basic Assistance WG - TYRE
Chaired By: UNHCR Tyre
Contact: Kelly Bendelow ; Samer Mawed (;

Thursday, 7th July 2016

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Inter Agency Coordination Meeting - South
Location: UNHCR Tyre
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Marcel Van Maastright (

12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Health WG Meeting - South
Location: UNHCR Tyre
Chaired By: UNHCR
Contact: Reem Mdeihly (