
What to do in the event of a death

If a member of your family or someone you know should die, they are entitled to be buried free of charge, even if they are not in possession of documents. The municipal authorities are responsible for paying for transport to the cemetery nearest the last place of residence. In order to arrange this, you must go to one of the branches of the Serviço Funerário for your town or city.

São Paulo
Serviço Funerário do Municipio de São Paulo (Funerary Service of the City of São Paulo)
Rua Apeninos, 96 – Aclimação – Telephone: (11) 3208.6992 (main office)
For the telephone number for the nearest branch, ring 0800-109850. It is free and available 24 hours per day.

Rio de Janeiro
You must go to a Núcleo da Defensoria Pública do Estado (local Public Defender's office) of the State of Rio de Janeiro to obtain a "Petição de Sepultamento Gratuito", which you must take to the cemetery together with the "Declaração de Óbito" (death certificate) or the "Guia do Instituto Médico Legal (IML)" attesting to the death. See the addresses in the link below:

The purpose of the “Serviço de Assistência Funerário” (Funeral Assistance Service - S.A.F.) is to assist individuals, groups and families who find themselves in a situation of marginalization, vulnerability and social risk, so as to meet their needs in the case of the death of their family members, providing them with free funeral services:

SOS Funeral 0800 280 8087
• Directs individuals to the "Centros de Referencia da Assistência Social" (CRAS), the "Portal da Cidadania" and/or the "Centro de Apoio Social Alternativo" (CASA) and other social assistance network institutions;
• Provides information and guidance to individuals on their rights with regard to the death of a relative;
• Carries out data collection periodically.

Repatriation of the body

No caso de transporte da pessoa morta ao país de origem, é necessário obter a declaração de óbito (expedida pelo hospital) e o passaporte ou RNE da pessoa falecida (também é válido o documento provisório).

Where the body is to be returned to the country of origin, it is necessary to obtain a death certificate (issued by the hospital) and the passport or the RNE (ID for foreigners) of the deceased person (provisional documents are also acceptable).

If the body is to be transported by air, the person responsible must find out about the nearest flight and the authorization from the Federal Police must be obtained before transporting the body. The body must be embalmed and a certificate of embalming obtained (from the hospital). The cost of the ticket must be paid by the person responsible - the price is based on the total weight of the body plus the weight of the coffin/casket.

If the body is to be transported overland, which is normally the case for shorter distances, the cost is based on distance travelled. There is no need for authorization for overland transport. The cost of the coffin must be borne by the person responsible.


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