Réponse Régionale à  la crise des Réfugiés en Syrie
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UNHCR Lebanon x

Interagency National Basic Assistance WG Meeting Minutes- 17June 2016
20 June 2016

Inter-agency- Shelter WG- MoM- National - 14-06-16
20 June 2016

UNHCR-Lebanon - Post-Distribution Monitoring Report: Cash-Based Interventions in Lebanon (JAN-MAR 2016)
17 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) - Full Package - June 2016
10 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Methodology- English
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Methodology- Arabic
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Concept Note - English
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Concept Note - Arabic
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Assessment divisions of partners at district level
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Presentation- English
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Presentation- Arabic
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Questionnaire- English
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Questionnaire - Arabic
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Site Profile Sample
9 June 2016

Inter-Agency - Rapid Needs Assessment - Situation Analysis Sample
9 June 2016

Inter agency Contact List and Guide-2016-09-6
9 June 2016

UNICEF Fuel For School_At A Glance_Final_Version
8 June 2016

UNHCR - Back to School - 2016
8 June 2016


Egypt 2
Iraq 8
Jordan 160
Lebanon 2368
Regional 65
Syrian Arab Republic 7
Turkey 145
Beirut 159
Bekaa 145
Egypt 1
Jordan 1
Lebanon 804
Mafraq Governorate 2
Mount Lebanon 82
North Lebanon 158
Refugees Dispersed in Iraq 1
South Lebanon 111
Turkey 117
Akkar 59
Baalbek 15
Beirut 116
Bekaa 35
Camp-based Refugees 135
Chouf 1
Dispersed in Jordan 10
Egypt 1
El Batroun 4
El Hermel 4
El Koura 4
El Minieh-Dennie 4
Jordan 1
Lebanon 740
Mount Lebanon 20
North Lebanon 22
Rachaya 4
Refugees Dispersed in Iraq 1
Sour 6
South Lebanon 42
Tripoli 22
West Bekaa 4
Zaatari Refugee Camp 2
Zahle 21
Zgharta 4
Document Categories
3RP Documents 17
Assessments 66
Communication with Communities 75
Dashboard & Factsheet 291
Data & Statistics 534
Funding 12
Guidance 96
Maps 492
Meeting Minutes 346
Regional Response Plans 5
Reports 156
Reports and Policy Papers 1
Situation Updates 624
Terms of Reference (TOR) 3
Training Materials 6
Agriculture 3
Camp Management 9
Cash Assistance 45
Child Protection 39
Community Services 23
Coordination 409
Core Relief Items (CRIs) 104
Education 117
Environment 1
Food Security 40
Gender-Based Violence 36
Health 208
Information Management 391
Livelihood 69
Logistics 2
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support 1
Nutrition 2
Protection 127
Registration 473
Reproductive Health 2
Shelter 159
Water & Sanitation 136
United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees Lebanon (UNHCR Lebanon) 2776
Working Groups
Basic Assistance Working Group - Lebanon 137
Cash Working Group - Lebanon 33
Child Protection in Emergencies Working Group - Lebanon 51
Education Partners Lebanon 99
Energy and Water Working Group Lebanon 104
Food Security Working Group - Jordan 1
Food Security Working Group - Lebanon 43
Food WG Iraq 1
Food Working Group - Egypt 1
Health Working Group - Egypt 1
Health Working Group - Jordan 2
Health Working Group - Syrian Response 1
Health Working Group Iraq 2
Health Working Group Lebanon 189
Information Management Working Group Iraq 1
Information Management Working Group Lebanon 369
Information Management Working Group- Jordan 1
Livelihoods 3
Livelihoods Working Group -Lebanon 46
Protection Working Group Lebanon 131
SGBV Task Force - Lebanon 58
Shelter Working Group Lebanon 146
Social Stability Working Group - Lebanon 43
Task Force on Support to Host Communities - Lebanon 39
Arabic 49
English 2728
French 1