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Title/DescriptionProject of therapeutic support to refugee women, asylum-seekers and their families
CountryBolivia » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Santa Cruz y Cochabamba
FundingUNHCR » 
Objectif(s)The objective is to provide therapeutic assistance to refugee families and asylum-seekers victims of trauma in their country of origin or in the host country. The project also seeks to emphasize the self-help component through group therapy aimed to empowering people to identify solutions to the different situations experienced.

• 55 people participate in therapeutic support groups;

• In the working groups, coordinators detect potential problems of domestic violence or post-traumatic situations;

• Regular visits are carried out to beneficiary families;

• Meetings are held once per month;

• In addition to the regular meetings, women gather to support each other, celebrate birthdays, care for children, participate in community groups, etc.

• The project is carried out jointly by the implementing agency and the Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Psicologico (CEDEC-PSI) of the Universidad Autónoma Gabriel Rene Moreno (UAGRM) in Santa Cruz;

• The beneficiaries have asked for training to improve their employment situation.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The project reflects UNHCR’s policy on the subject and responds to UNHCR interest to assist implementing agencies in the region in conceptualizing and implementing projects that go beyond the direct assistance by providing to persons of concern spaces and tools to help each other. • Following the participatory assessment, UNHCR Buenos Aires received a proposal by the implementing agency to fund a project of psychological support to women; • When analyzing the proposal, the Program Unit considered the strategy of UNHCR in the region, the directives for empowerment of women and proposed some modifications to broaden the scope and sustainability of the results; • Through this exercise, the agency has gained experience in working on projects which sustainability depends on the efforts of the beneficiaries; • The mutual support generated by the project resulted in the generation of proposals by the people themselves, which implementation represents the future evolution of the project.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentNot applicable » 
Theme (s)Gender-based violence (SGBV) » Focus on women » 

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