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Title/DescriptionMicrocredit Program
CountryCosta Rica » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Costa Rica
Actors/PartnersAPRODE, ACAI (Casa de Derechos de la Municipalidad de Desamparados)
FundingPublic » Private » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)To support the access of refugees, immigrants, low-income and socially at-risk nationals to microcredit so they can consolidate productive projects to improve their livelihoods.

The Microcredit Program has an important socio-economical impact. It is estimated that at least 10% of all refugees and persons of interest to UNHCR in Costa Rica benefit from the program. Until mid-2010, 538 individuals benefited from the program, 55% of them women and 45% men.  In addition, some 1,500 individuals benefit indirectly from the program, being relatives and employees of those small businesses.


According to the latest program impact evaluation, the average number of new jobs created is 2.2, which represents a significant source of employment. From 2002 to date, 894 credits have been granted and there is a portfolio of 481 active small businesses. The Program has strong indicators in terms of sustainability: a default rate of 12% and a recovery rate of 85%. The Program’s training component has strengthened the personal capabilities of entrepreneurs and small businessmen, offering a series of opportunities in the topic of Business Management. It also includes Popular Workshops for the manufacture of marketable articles. The Program also aims to enhance social promotion of refugee, immigrant and local at-risk entrepreneurs and small businessmen through chats and round tables where they can talk about their own experiences, as well as workshops that look to enhance self-esteem and increase personal growth.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The Microcredit allows refugees as well as persons of interest to UNHCR to reach self-sufficiency for themselves as well as for their families. Besides, the inclusion of immigrants and locals from the host communities is a basic component in terms of local integration of the refugee population in Costa Rica, as a durable solution. The impact levels reached by the Program are visible in terms of sustainability, its tripartite operation (UNHCR and its implementing partners, APRODE and ACAI) with roles defined on the Credit Regulations. This guarantees the complementarity between UNHCR, the micro financing institution (APRODE) and ACAI in order to provide the full scope of microcredit management, simultaneously from a social and an entrepreneurial perspective.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentCities of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Microfinance » Income Generation » Focus on women » 

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