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Title/DescriptionWomen at Risk (Argentina)
CountryArgentina » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Rosario
FundingPublic » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Provide increased protection and a durable solution to resettled women and their socially vulnerable dependents. The objective is accomplished through the following steps: • Monitor and facilitate the integration process and the exercise of their fundamental human rights, including economic, social and cultural rights • Respond to the specific needs of resettled refugee women • Promote access to national standards of assistance in public services • Provide specialized psychological support • Promote a working proposal aimed to empowerment, self-sufficiency and autonomy.

• The implementation of the women at risk program has enhanced the humanitarian space in the southern region of Latin America

• It responds to the specific needs of refugee women, including through monitoring and specialized psychosocial support

• The implementation of a specific program for women at risk has opened spaces that benefit all refugees (e.g. the Municipality of Rosario has offered priority access to job training courses to all refugee women).


Why is this considered a Good practice?• This program has facilitated the socioeconomic integration of a particularly vulnerable group of persons of concern • The program has been used strategically to benefit all persons of concern to UNHCR.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentResettlement » 
Theme (s)Income Generation » Gender-based violence (SGBV) » Focus on women » 

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