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Title/DescriptionTemporary Shelter
CountryBrazil » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Manaus (AM)
Actors/PartnersCasa do Migrante (SP), Obra Social Nossa Senhora Aparecida (SP), Arsenal da Esperança (SP), Casa de Acolhida Dom João Batista Scalabrini (RJ), Casa do Migrante Jacamim (Manaus, AM) and Casa de Passagem (AM).
FundingPublic » Private » 
Objectif(s)Together with UNHCR’s implementing partners, local governments, NGOs and religious organizations, provide temporary accommodation for asylum-seekers and refugees newly arrived in the country. Shelters already exist for Brazilian citizens, but now also receive persons of concern to UNHCR.

Asylum-seekers and refugees have temporary accommodation upon arrival in the country.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The shelters are culturally sensitive to the needs of asylum-seekers and refugees, and are well connected with UNHCR’s partners and local authorities. The shelters are strategically located in major cities and also on the triple border (Colombia, Peru and Brazil) town of Tabatinga. They also offer additional services to the population of concern to UNHCR, such as meals, counseling, social services, vocational training courses and job recommendations.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentCities of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Temporary accommodation » 

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