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Title/DescriptionFramework Agreement for vocational training of persons in need of international protection in the state of Zulia
CountryVenezuela » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Maracaibo, Estado Zulia
Actors/PartnersField Unit Maracaibo (FUMA), Cáritas Maracaibo, Educational Centres for Labour Training (CECAL), Fe y Alegría, state of Zulia and HIAS Venezuela.
FundingOther » 
Funding (detail)CECAL, Fe y Alegría
Objectif(s)To provide young and adult asylum-seekers as well as refugees the possibility of acquiring labour and humanistic training for a fair, participatory and empathic life thus promoting their local integration even though they do not have valid Venezuelan papers. Usually, the educational institutions demand valid ID papers for access to labour training.

Fe y Alegría accepted to provide labour trainings for this group and extend certification even if the student did not have papers, (i.e. the temporary documents provided by CNR). In order to facilitate the process, the organizations working on this subject agreed to fill out two formats that would complete the remission process for asylum-seekers. As a result of the first steps of this alliance, five persons received certifications for the courses while another one is still in a continuous course. For the March-July 2010 period, 39 low-income individuals were referenced. Their own lives as well as those of their relatives changed since they had the opportunity to undertake labour training recognized via a certificate; they also had the possibility of doing internships and finally opt for a job, all of which contributed to a better integration. The asylum-seekers said this was a life-enhancing opportunity, an extraordinary impulse; many of them are already using some of the things they learned. Some of the interns already got a permanent job.

Why is this considered a Good practice?It helped the integration of asylum-seekers and refugees in Venezuela by helping them to take educational courses in their free time, which allowed them to acquire new knowledge that eventually helped them get new jobs, a livelihood, make a decent living. All this undoubtedly supports local integration
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentProtection » 
Theme (s)Income Generation » Vocational Courses » 

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