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Title/DescriptionSérgio Vieira de Mello Academic Chair
CountryBrazil » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)País entero
Actors/PartnersACNUR y Universidades
FundingPublic » Private » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Attract the participation of universities in promoting international refugee law and educate teachers and students on issues related to refugees; also create opportunities for refugees to benefit from the academic environment through access to higher education or through services offered by universities, such as legal practices, cultural events, language courses, therapy/psychological counseling, among others.

The initiative Sérgio Vieira de Mello Academic Chair was launched again in 2010, and since then has focused on improving and increasing opportunities for direct benefits to the refugee population. There are approximately 15 universities directly involved, and there is growing interest from others on this regard. The initiative has spurred academic production in refugee matters and related issues, and also has established special procedures to facilitate the registration of refugees in higher education programs.

Why is this considered a Good practice?Sustainable training of intellectuals, students and teachers on refugee matters and the development of services benefiting this population. The initiative has also stimulated the production of academic knowledge in areas of asylum, statelessness, and forced displacement.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentProtection » 
Theme (s)Education » Governments, states, municipalities » 

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