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Title/DescriptionImproving access to education by building classrooms
CountryEcuador » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Provincia de Sucumbios
Actors/PartnersOXFAM Italia, Direccion Provincial de Educacion y Municipio de Lago Agrio
FundingPublic » Private » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Improve access to education for vulnerable rural border communities and urban slums where there is a high presence of population of concern.

Improved access to education and childcare by bulding classrooms and a Child Development Centre in the border area and urban slums.

With support from public institutions, communities were provided with required human resources and reading materials. The project has encouraged the development of skills in children, under the supervision of trained educators. An increase in the integration of people in refugee-like situations has been noted in these centers since they have more opportunities to access quality education.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The provision of educational infrastructure in cooperation with national educational institutions has allowed the population living in isolated communities to be recognized by the State through the provision of services. This not only increases the protection of the rights of children, but of the community as a whole, given that it can satisfy the basic human right to education, in addition to a State presence – a teacher. This quick impact project offers a gateway to establish protection networks by presence and allows a growing State presence in isolated areas that have been traditionally “invisible” to the State.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentBorders of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Education » Projects at the border » 

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