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Title/DescriptionImplementation of community support and integration programmes
CountryVenezuela » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Estados en la frontera colombo-venezolana Zulia, Táchira y Apure
Actors/PartnersACNUR, Cáritas de Venezuela, Cáritas Seccional San Cristóbal, Machiques y Maracaibo, Servicio Jesuita para Refugiados, OIM, Asociaciones de Vecinos y Consejos Comunales
FundingUNHCR » Other » 
Funding (detail)Co-financiamiento ACNUR/OIM, Delegación de la Unión Europea en Venezuela.
Objectif(s)1. To contribute to the protection, restitution of rights and social and cultural integration of persons in refugee-like situation and their host communities; 2. To guarantee that the persons of interest have access to public health and education services in the host communities; 3. To train the population of interest in the development of abilities and skills needed to become self-sufficient.

Community-development projects.

1. The implementation of Protection, Community Support and Integration (PACI) projects has helped equip schools and medical centers as well as the rehabilitation of the infrastructure of social support centres. Better access to basic services such as education and health care in the border zones, enhancing the services in a durable way;

2. In Apure, three schools were provided with supplies and equipment; a shelter home in Guasdalito was also provided with supplies and renovated so women that survived GBSV could use it.

3. In Táchira, a school for children with special needs was renovated as well as the classroom for a preschool. There is a plan to provide supplies and renovate a house as temporary shelter for individuals with special protection needs.

4. In Zulia, we have renovated classrooms, provided supplies, improved the water supply and cleaned educational centers, and provided supplies to a school canteen in a school to enhance the nutritional situation of children from the local population as well as the population of interest.



Projects for community organization and the exercise of rights:

1. In Apure, UNHCR (in cooperation with SJR and Cáritas de Venezuela, from Guadualito) has strengthened the protection network by creating Human Rights Committees in municipal councils and agricultural labour cooperatives. These PACI projects have a big impact since they have enabled the identification of probable asylum-seekers in the Apure state, given its size and rural context.

2. In Zulia UNHCR, in collaboration with Cáritas Machiques, neighbour associations and community councils established a protection network for children and teenagers and has strengthened the network for prevention and attention of violent incidents involving gender and sex. These projects have included female refugees, asylum-seekers and local women in the integral attention services for battered women, thus providing better communication and inter institutional collaboration for the prevention and response to cases of GBSV. This network protects locals as well as persons with international protection needs with girls, women and teenagers being most vulnerable. On the other hand, the children and teenager network promotes in the communities the rights and the protection of underage while it generates conscience about the struggle against labour exploitation of children and teenagers. Besides, the medical journeys in the border are regarded as a success in the medical sector. There was an immediate impact in local capacities through the training of health promoters as well as the real possibility of accessing the right to health care services by asylum-seekers;

3. Four PACI projects were implemented in Táchira: Instruments and training for boys and girls in Colombian and Venezuelan folk music; two handicrafts workshops for organized women and an organic agricultural project for a multiethnic group. These projects have shown a significant impact in the promotion of cultural and recreational activities and they also provide a backing to community organization initiatives for productive projects. The strengthening of the productive societies makes it easier to access banking entities for financing, expansion of manufacturing capabilities and competing in the local markets;

4. The implementation of PACI projects this year has had a considerable impact in the protection network and the possibility of demanding people’s rights through community workshops where asylum-seekers, locals and persons demanding international protection work jointly. In Apure, 14 such workshops have been held in topics such as international protection, prevention and response to GBSV / trafficking and community project’s management. Several workshops in Táchira have sought to explain how communities and asylum-seekers can exert their fundamental rights, looking for a better integration between locals and asylum-seekers. These workshops are part of the monitoring missions carried out jointly during the implementation of PAICs.


Income-generating and self-sufficiency projects:

1. UNHCR, with the cooperation of Fe y Alegría, trained people of interest in Zulia to become bricklayers, with positive results such as the acquisition of a skill, a possibility of future insertion in the labour market and the local communities.

2. In regards to the impact in income generation and self-sufficiency, two programmes are being implemented in Apure: the small grants program by HIAS and the Labour, Family and Community Support (ALFACOM) Programme. The first one benefits refuge seekers newly arrived in Venezuela who get a maximum of Bs. 1,000. During 2011, 28 families benefited from this programme with a total of Bs. 28,000 in assigned credits.

3. ALFACOM Programme is managed by SJR and operates through a committee that analyzes potential beneficiaries and projects, taking into account integration criteria to the host community. During 2011, ALFACOM benefited twelve Colombian families (approximately 50 individuals): Eleven are refuge-seekers and one is a resident Colombian family. The programme is implemented with a gender and diversity approach and assigns 50% of the credits to women heads of household.

4.  The micro credits programme of the Autonomous Institute for the Development of the Social Economy of the Táchira State (FUNDESTA) has been running since 2007. It has succeeded in making those that have the refugee certification issued by the National Refugee Commission (CNR) eligible for credits; the asylum-seekers can also access credits if they are bearers of the temporary document for two months. For 2011, the goal was to include 60 new families and assign BsF. 200,000 in new credits: so far, 25 families have benefited. The recipients have undergone training by FUNDESTA in micro credit management as well as in technical knowledge of micro enterprise management.

Why is this considered a Good practice?1. PACI projects support the development of refugees. They are implemented with an age and gender approach for persons of interest and host communities so as to reach the development goals for refugees, asylum-seekers and other individuals in need of international protection. 2. Within the framework of the Mexico Plan of Action “Cities of Solidarity”, the refugee’s self-sufficiency has increased through the alliances UNHCR has established with government entities such as FUNDESTA and Banco del Pueblo Soberano in the financial sector, which help incorporate refugees to financial programmes and promote their economic and local integration. 3. The financial agreements signed by UNHCR with government entities are strategic since they promote an honorable social integration for refugees while incentivizing their social and productive participation in the region. They also create new direct and indirect jobs and enhance the coexistence conditions between refugee families and host communities. At the same time, the financial institutions provide workshops for technical and managerial instruction for the beneficiaries of productive and income-generating projects, thus creating technical capabilities. 4. The agreements with FUNDESTA and BSP allow national and municipal governments to play a growing role through fund allocation, the valuation and follow-up of productive projects, the institutionalization of policies and practices that promote the development of refugees as a long-term goal while creating the principle of joint responsibility for the government entities in the promotion of a culture of protection to refugees and asylum-seekers. 5. The ALFACOM programme, in the context of collaboration with the civil society, grants credits with a recovery fund, and allows other persons of interest to access credits and professional training programmes; 6. The projects for communitarian organization and exercise of rights are a key tool used to raise awareness regarding refugee issues in border zones and local communities. All that has strengthened the protection networks and facilitated the access of UNHCR personnel and its implementing partners to those communities, thus reaching more persons of interest. 7. The cooperation agreement with IOM as a co-financing source for PACI projects has enabled UNHCR operations to provide better benefits for persons in need of international protection, which in turn has made their local integration easier; 8. It is important to emphasize that refugees and other persons in need of international protection are not discriminated from accessing the services and social programmes that benefit the local population. However, access to these services is not always under the best conditions. PACI projects make it easier for the persons of interest to access educational and health care services as well as to running water, housing and employment in supportive cooperation with local actors, in coordination with the State’s social policies. 9. The communities (in order to facilitate access of refugees and asylum-seekers to government social programmes and also to contribute to their integration to host communities) are responsible for the execution of the programmes while coordinating with municipal councils, which enhances life conditions for local as we as persons of interest to UNHCR, the exercise of community rights and a better integration between locals and refugees.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentBorders of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Microfinance » Income Generation » Education » Health » Governments, states, municipalities » 

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