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Title/DescriptionFacilitating access to education
CountryMexico » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)México, DF
Actors/PartnersSecretaría de Educación Pública, Gobierno del DF, Sin Fronteras
FundingPublic » UNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Ensuring the right to education for refugees to continue their studies, have access to educational institutions and/or recognition of studies.

• Children in primary education are accepted without identity documents and at any time of the school year.

The inclusion of the right to education within the Law on Refugees and Complementary Protection.

The Mexico City government makes no distinction between Mexican students and refugee population to be benefited from support programs for school supplies and uniforms.


Why is this considered a Good practice?Access to education is a fundamental right and promotes a higher level of integration.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentProtection » 
Theme (s)Education » 

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