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Title/DescriptionPPP Projects (Community, coexistence and protection)
CountryColombia » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Áreas fronterizas y comunidades en riesgo de desplazamiento
Actors/PartnersCorporacion Opcion legal, Pastoral Social, Faro del Catatumbo
FundingUNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Prevent forced displacement through practical interventions and provide protection through UNHCR presence on the ground. Bring the presence of the State to areas affected by forced displacement and thereby re-establish social programmes and access to basic services for communities most affected.

Restored basic services in communities affected by the armed conflict. Community building through joint planning and implementation of PPP projects. Increased State presence (social programmes) and investment in communities at risk of displacement. Prevention of forced displacement.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The project has managed to open humanitarian space in isolated areas affected by armed conflict. Through practical interventions has attracted the State presence and commitment in social issues and ensured access to basic services for the affected population, emphasizing the fulfillment of responsibilities by the State. Through project implementation, there is a closer support to the community, increasing levels of trust and community building in areas highly affected by the armed conflict. Indigenous communities and communities in border areas are priority in implementing PPPs.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentBorders of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Legal clinics » Projects at the border » IDPs » 

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