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Title/DescriptionSupport for the Human Development Association for strengthening poultry production
CountryEcuador » 
Specific location (city, region, etc)Provincia de Esmeraldas
Actors/PartnersFondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progresso
FundingUNHCR » 
Objectif(s)Support of production, processing and marketing of chickens in the Punta Piedra community. The project supports the production of chickens on individual family farms as well as in cooperatives. It supports the opening of a prepared food store selling the chickens produced. Each member of the Association built a shed for raising 100 chickens.

Improving productivity and reducing chicken mortality, currently at 4%, much lower than allowed for the species. Business training and organization support to the Association members. Legalization of the Association and registration in the Internal Revenue Service. Improving the income of the 17 families that make up the Association.

Why is this considered a Good practice?The breeding, management and marketing of chickens are done in the communities of the cantons of Eloy Alfaro and San Lorenzo. The high quality of the product is recognized in the area and is in high demand. Families have improved their income and living conditions. Group members recognize the importance of teamwork to achieve success and profits that are distributed at end of the year. Relationships between the local and refugee population have improved with the integration of Ecuadorian and Colombian producers. The refugee leadership of this project has generated positive recognition based on their business abilities. The Association is well positioned in the local market and its geographical position also provides good coverage for nearby cantons. Increased productivity and marketing has allowed some members of the Association to leave other jobs and activities to devote full time to the project.
Pertinent MPA/BPA ComponentCities of solidarity » 
Theme (s)Income Generation » 

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